
Today in class we went over the Europe Map quite a few times. I played a map game over the weekend that helped me get some of the Eastern Europe right. I do think that the few countires of southern Europe will be a problem, considering the fact that they are also the hardest region to take in the game RISK, i assume that the same will be for a CWI oral test. The Countries we have been studying i feel i know the best and feel comfortable with knowing that the test might not be for awhile.The other part of class we dicussed the second article of our Somalia Blogs and it went over very well. I guess it gave me more of a perspective of how these people think and act. Maybe they arent so bad after all. Maybe Terrorists who slaughter their own people arent so bad after all. Maybe terrorists who commited genocide in their countries or those who planned and completed 9/11 arent bad people. Maybe we can jsut get along with these people and have world peace! No, I didn't mean anything I just typed. The truth is that these men are killers and that killers must be brought to justice. I mean maybe these people dont like what they are doing, but they are doing it non-the-less, and attonement needs to happen for there crimes.And by the way Mr. Bruns, that song you played went through my head thoughout the day, through football practice, and then when I went home. And it wasn't the whole song, it was the most annoying part of it. Just letting you know.
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