What would happen if Kim Jong-Un died

North Korea started becoming a dictatorship in 1948 where Kim-II Sung was the dictator of the Korean War which led the north and the south of Korea to split. Which led the North of Korea to become a dictorship. He started tighting the North Korean policies and made it a dictatorship like style which eventually made it a dictatorship. North Korea is on it's 3rd dictator of it's history and which Kim Jong-Un is one of the most dangerous dictators currently right now but what would happen if he suddenly just kicked the bucket and died. Everyone around the world could be in much very big trouble if he suddenly just passed away because he could have some big plans of what would happen if he died. 

One thing could happen is, what is planned to be done if he has died is there is some conspiracy theories and such that he could have a nuclear war. It's no surprise here if this could happen there is some countries he doesn't get along with like the U.S, Japan, South Korea and others. Which isn't a good thing at all especially to these big countries like the U.S because it could lead to a bunch of people being dead. This is only a conspiracy and which this could happen he died or it might not depending on how North Korea is doing then.

Kim Yo-Jong, his sister, is the mostly likely his successor for North Korea. His sister is mostly likely worse than him. She'd be ruthless because she would want her respect and she'd want her respect from the U.S if not which that could lead to a nuclear war. She would also want the respect from the people of North Korea and the only way if she would get the respect she would want is to be cruel to the people of North Korea. North Korea could also be in a mess if this would happen because there could be no more people in North Korea if she did rule power because of her dictatorship she would bring.


Do you think Kim Jong-Un would die anytime soon?


Do you think there could be a nuclear war if Kim Jong-Un dies?


Would Kim Yo-Jong be worser than Kim-Jong Un?









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  • I don't think Kim Jong-Un would die anytime soon because he is relatively young, but he could still drop dead tomorrow. I don't think that there will be a nuclear war if he dies. I don't really know if he would be worse because I don't really know who it is.

    • I think Kim Jong-Un would have a plan if he would die just because he wouldn't want North Korea to be known as a weak country and he wouldn't know if his sister would bring peace to the country or not.

  • I don't think that Kim Jong-un will die anytime soon. I think that he might have plans for after he dies, or for right before he dies. I don't know what Kim Yo-Jong is like, and how she acts, so she may be worse, I just don't want to assume that she is. I think that Kim Jong Un has a predecessor already picked out, so he can continue his legacy.

    • I agree, he will have a predecessor picked out for him and he would have choose the best one where they don't show empathy to the people and I think the choice he would use is his sister.

  • I dont think he will die anytime soon he only 40 years old which isn't old. I don't think there would be a reason to start a nuclear war just because they want too. 

    • Well I do think that there could be a nuclear war just because he wouldn't want North Korea to be known as a weak country without him and who knows his sister could be much worse than him or better than him.

  • I do not believe that Kim Jong-Un will die in a short time, but I do believe that he would be capable of having a plan for the day when he is no longer here, he is a person who has not shown so much empathy towards his people and the rest of them. people from what they heard. I don't think Kim Yo-Jong would be worse than Kim-Jong Un.

    • I agree, he doesn't like his people at all and he would want a plan when he isn't here just so he wouldn't have North Korea known as a weak country without him as the leader of it.

  • I do not think Kim Jong-Un will die anytime soon, it's not like he has any reason to die anytime soon, like an illness. I'm not sure if there would be a nuclear war if he were to die, but it sounds unrealistic. Kim Jon-Un is very bad, so I don't know if Kim Yo-Jong could be worse.

    • I agree, he might not die anytime soon but he could with some illness that could get up to him and I think she would be worse than him just because she wouldn't want the end of North Korea.

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