Trade Schools Becoming More Popular

Trade schools are becoming more and more popular and many people are taking the opportunities. These trade schools give many people opportunities on there hidden talents. Some Like welding, some people think welding is very pointless and is not usefull but welders are very much needed. If you go to a trade for welding you can get a scholorship and also get a job offer very fast. Another reason many people are taking on these jobs is because they pay very well and then students don't have to sit in a college class room. For 4-8 years or however long they go to college. Instead they get to be in a shop or work area having fun and enjoy what they are doing. Also most the time these students only have to be at the trade school for 2 years, then they usally get a job offer and can start making money.

I think trade schools are a great schooling bethod for many highschool students that don't know what to do after highschool. There are many more trade opportunities then just welding. These jobs are very needed exspecially in the United States. Most of these jobs are none as "blue collar" jobs and very hard working jobs. Many people aren't dedicated enough to work at these jobs. So that is why they are so needed. Overall I think many people should try out the trade industry and see if they like it, exspecially if they dont want to go to school for many years and spend a lot of money on college.

Do you think trade's are important?

Would you ever work in a trade, if so what would you do?

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  • Good topic choice Jace! You should have commented more frquently and more than just "I agree".

  • I think trades are very important, and they should be advertised to everyone. Common skills are slowly dwindling with the new age of technology, and I can see a future where mechanics, plumbers, and electricians are going to be integral parts of every day society.

  • I think that trade schools are good and important, because, like you said there isn't a lot of school for it. I also think that trade schools are better because the less you have to pay to go the less you will be in student loan det, and you won't be payin gi tback over th enext 10-12 years, or however long other colleges have.

  • I think that trades are important because some people don't like going to school and would prefer to learn a trade instead. I would work in a trade because I like the shop classes I take and the stuff we do in them. Trades also make an average amount of money.

  • I do think that trades are important. They are needed in everyday life like fixing a furnace or pluming. People cannot live in their house without heat and will do anything to get their furnace back up and running. I would work in a trade and I hope to someday work in heating and air conditioning.

  • Overall, I see trade schools as a great opportunity for certain students. So yes, I do think they are important. They are helpful to many students. They can help in finding what that student likes to do, which will lead to job opportunities. I do not think I would ever work at a trade school. I already have a different plan for my education after high school.

  • I think that trade’s are very important and I think trade schools are great for further education after high school.  I have a lot of family that is attending trade school and it is setting them up for a great future. I personally don't know what I want to do in the future so that is always an option.

  • I think that trades are important. You can get good schooling while working a job that you think you would like. I don't know if I'd work in a trade because I don't think they have a trade school for what I want to do after high school. However, I still think they are important.

  • I definitely think that trades are important. Without them, everyday life would be a struggle. Whose gonna fix your plumbing, your electricity, your car, if there were no trade jobs? these jobs are just as important as any other job, and they pay well too. I think I would be interested in working a trade job someday. My main interest would be getting into real estate, and to flip houses you need to know a lot in the trade-area.

  • I agree with you that trades are very important and trade school is a great option rather than a traditional college/university! I also agree that it is rare to find many people who are willing to put in the work or have the stamina to be able to work some of these jobs. These job usually aren't easy and are much needed jobs in our country. I don't think I will probably ever work in a trade, but I still think that it is a great workforce and opportunity for many! 

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