The Russian Invasion

Russia has been at war with Ukraine since 2014. In 2022 Russia sent military forces into Ukraine. This invasion was resisted though. The ongoing conflict has lasted for six months. Over 14 million Ukrainian civilians have been displaced. Their homes are destroyed, or Unsafe. People flee for their lives from the destructive war front marching westward. 


Russia bore its fangs on the world stage. Everyone can see how much pain Vladimir Putin has caused. With the combined force of the hundreds of countries that support Ukraine Russia wouldn’t stand a chance. The war would already be over. America, Canada, and many other countries send money and equipment to the affected areas of Ukraine, but they aren’t sending any troops. Russia has nuclear bombs, which pose an existential doomsday level threat. And while sure, ‘Mutually assured destruction’ keeps leaders' fingers off those big red buttons, devastating weapons still make being enemies with Russia a frightening prospect.


It’s easy to think that only Ukraine is being hurt by the conflicts, however, hundreds of thousands of Russian Soldiers and civilians have been killed. The Russian populous wants the war to end too. It isolated Russia from the world's trade network, resulting in all the Russian production demands being placed on their shoulders. meaning that items Russia used to produce relatively small amounts of are now in higher demand than they can accommodate. Prices are climbing massively, with them only getting higher as the war becomes more costly, and budgets are diverted to serve the warfront. 


‘Vladdy boy' is a bully, with no regard for the people he has to hurt to get what he wants. 

He has stated he won’t end the war until he wins. No matter the cost to Russia or Ukraine. 

Civilians can mealy watch the madness unfold, and donate to Ukraine relief funds



Should America send infantry to help protect the sovereignty of Ukraine? 

Or should its priorities be first and foremost to its people and keeping them safe? 






News Organizations:

- BBC Maps 


- War Public Opinion


- CNN: Ukraine


Government Sites:

- US Cooperation with Ukraine


Canada Defence Campaign

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  • Danny,

    I applaud you for doing this topic but it is a very challenging topic to be able to explain in three short paragraphs. Most students probably don't have the knowledge of this conflict to be able to form an opinion. Good job thought as you replied to evceryone you could.

  • I belive that the United States should help out Ukraine because they are not the strongest of countries and this is eventually going to spread to other countries around Ukraine so Russia has more to control. The United States is in debt aready for some stupid things so why not spend some money on something that is going to impacted millions of people in a good way.

    • I agree with you, Ukraine is not the strongest out there and could benefit from help, 

  • This is a great and interestion topic to inform us about. I think America should send infantry to help protect, even if it is pricey. We are doign ti to help. We need to keep people safe but we also need to keep country safe too. It's a hard choice but I think this I would still choose infantry to help protect. Many people are going to see this diffrently, but overall great topic to write about.

    • I agree with you even though Ukraine is not a part of NATO I feel that we should still try to help, but at the same time I'm hesitant just because Putin wants war does not mean all of Russia wants war, many Russians do not agree with Putin's actions but are still facing the consequences. 

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