The History of Math

How did math come about? Math has been an essential part of human advancement for thousands of years. It all began with ancient people, like the Egyptians and Babylonians, who used math for necessities such as measuring land and keeping track of time, around 3000 BC. These early mathematical systems set the basis for the future and it only advances from there. As time went on, the Greeks took math even further. Brilliant mathematicians explored geometry and number theory, setting the basic concepts that we still use today. Specifically looking in on the Babylonians, they developed a system based off the number 60. They are the first ones that are known for using numbers to represent an amount.

Moving forward in time, math became more similarly compared and used with science. Mathmeticians such as Newton and others helped us further understand our world today by continuing and advancing in the research of math. They discovered the path to furthering scientific discoveries as well as leading the mathematics of our modern world into a clear path. From there, math continued to evolve and expand, with new concepts and theories being developed. Today, math plays a very important part in certain work fields such as physics, engineering, economics, and computer science. It's a constantly evolving subject that continues to shape our world in ways that would not have been possible without the prior exploration.

Math is probably one of my favorite subjects just because I enjoy the puzzling, multi-step problems that make me feel very accomplished after figuring them out. For me personally, I enjoy having to figure out the formulas and steps needed to solve each problem. However, I know math is not for everyone.


Do you enjoy math?

If so, what do you like about it?

If not, what is your favorite subject?

Are you interested in a job that deals with math often?





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  • i will never enjoy math! my favorit subject is probably history. The only time my job will have anything to do with math is if im doing taxes counting bottles or tips. Other than that ill hardly every use math.

    • That is completely understandable. I personally do not enjoy histroy near as much as I like math. It is soley based on preference.

  • I used to enjoy math but whe i got to highschool it got tough but i used ot enjoy it in middle school. rightnow i dont have a favorite subject but if i had to choose would choose science. if i do electrical i would haev to do math because i would need to know how much i need. 

  • I do like math because I like figuring out the problems and solving them. I like that there is only one right answer and there isn't a lot of writing like in english. My favorite subject is math and science. I would be interested in a job with some math, but not a lot of it. 

    • I agree! I really enjoy solving and figuring out problems as well, it really interests me.

  • I dont enjoy math but i also do when i get it and im able to do it. my favorite subject has to be history i like it becuse of its tecxt and other things i am not interested of doing jobs with math but if i have to i would becuase of it and yea  

    • That definitely makes sense. History is a good choice for people that retain information well and like to learn about the past.

  • I do not like math it is the worse subject in school. I love art, P.E., History, Science, and English are my favorites. No because I hate math in general.

    • Your favorite subjects are some good choices! I think every class has its pros and cons and it is based on preference on if you like them or not.

  • I do not. Nothing. Geometry. No.

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