The history behind prohibition

Prohibition took place during the 19th century on January 17th, 1920 and ended on December 5th, 1933. Prohibition was a nationwide constitutional ban on the production, transportation, and importation of alcoholic beverages. It was mandated by the 18th amendment. The goal of prohibition was to reduce crimes such as 09 domestic violence and workplace inefficiency. 


Instead of making things easier or better, prohibition did the opposite. Prohibition led to an increase in crimes, corruption and bootlegging. Al Capone had the biggest gang during this time period and he was very successful in selling alcohol illegally. During this time period speakeasies were very popular. Speakeasies were hiddden bars that would often offer live music or some sort of entertainment. Despite the risk most Americans would still continue to consume beverages highlighting the failure of prohibition.


In the end the government realized that prohibition was a terrible idea so in 1933, the 21st amendment was ratified, repealing the 18th amendment causing this to end prohibition.  This was the only time in history that a constitutional amendment was ratified to repeal another. 


In conclusion, prohibition was meant to decrease the amount of crimes we had but it ultimately did the opposite. 


Do you think prohibition was a good idea?


Do you think we should have prohibition again?


Why do you think prohibition failed? 

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  • I like the topic chocie but you really didn't go into the history of Prohibition. Your sumamry is brief so it really could have expanded on that. Also be sure to check back Thursday eveneing to comment.

  • I dont think prohibition was the best idea as it was the peoples decisions making bad things happen not really the alchohal. I dont think we should have it again because no problems were solved the first time it happened. I think it probably failed because of how much alchohol is drank, so msny different people drink alchohol it would be hard to cut it off from them.

  • I think it was a bad idea because it didnt really help anything but ust made it worse, I don't think we should have prohintion agian because it could lead to bad things i think prohibition failed because when your told not to do sm you want to do it even more.

  • I don't think prohibition was a good idea because even though it was meant to decrease crime it ultimately increased it greatly and creating the mafia also wasn't very good. I think prohibition failed because people realized they can make a lot of money off illegal things and those things lead to illegal activities today as well. 

  • I think prohibition was a bad idea because it wasn't the alcohol itself that was the problem, but it was the people. I don't think we should have another prohibition, because it did not solve any problems, and it just made everyhting worse. I think it failed because people have alcohol addictions, and they couldn't be without it, so they found ways to get it illegally. 

  • I don't think prohibition was a good idea because there would of been dangerous protests to get rid of prohibition. Nah, it would make things worser in today's world to have prohibition again. I think it failed because of all the backlash it was getting.

  • I do not believe that prohibition was a good idea because it made things much more dangerous for everyone. We should not consider starting prohibition again because it would just start the same problems that had already happened in the past, it was ended for a reason.

  • I think that prohibition was originally a good idea, but it also increased crime so in the end it wasn't a good idea. I don't think we should prohibition again because it will mostly increase crime just like it did in the 1920s. I think it failed because people weren't happy that they were trying to reduce violence.

  •  I do not think prohibition was not a good idea because it increased the crime rate. I do not think that we should have prohibition because the crime would be way worse than it is right now. I think prohibition failed because people got alcohol by making it and buying it through the black market.

  • I think the idea around prohition was good but it just won't work out with how addicted some people are to alchahol. I think it would just cause a bunch of crimes and in the end most people are gonna get alchahol anyways if they wan't it.

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