The First Famine In 6 Years

In South Sudan, Africa, the first famine in 6 years is affirmed. Around 100,000 people in South Sudan are starving and 1 million on the edge of famine. Altogether, 4.9 million people need food immediately. The famine is blamed on the civil war and economic failure. Locations near South Sudan such as Yemen and north-eastern Nigeria are close to famine, but South Sudan beat them to it. In order for a famine to be confirmed, "at least 20% of households in an area face extreme food shortages with a limited ability to cope, acute malnutrition rates exceed 30%, [and] the death rate exceeds two persons per day per 10,000 persons" (BBC News). Click here for the full story.


1) What can the United States do to help South Sudan and other parts of Africa that are near a famine?

2) Do you think the people of South Sudan could have prevented a famine? Explain

Response -

1) The United States can send food and water their way either by plane or by ships. We can also send in teams of people with supplies.

2) I don't think that the people of South Sudan could've prevented a famine. There are 11.3 million people that live there, so it's already difficult for everyone to obtain food, especially large families and single women with several children. 

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  • Good job overall but you could have commented more.

  • We could send food and other supplies needed there right now. I mean we would probably want help if we were in this situation. I think that maybe they could've tried a little harder to keep everything organized.

  • We should help out the organizations that send food over. I think it'd be hard to prevent famine. The civil war has definitely made things more difficult, but that wasn't necessarily all of the populations fault.

  • I think the US could send over food and other care packages carrying necessities for life and health. They could send doctors over to make sure the citizens were getting the right treatment for illnesses and wounds. I don't think that this famine could have been prevented. Due to the large population, it would have been difficult to make sure every family had enough food to survive. 

  • They could help by sending the food over that they need to survive. Also they could send doctors over to help make sure people aren't getting sick. No because they don't have any of the necessary supplies needed to live so there is no way they could have prevented it.  

  • 1. One way we could help would be to go over there and show them different techniques of planting, growing, and selling. We could also grow or just donate food and products to their country with the help of many communities.

    2. I don't believe that they had much control. The temperature and climate most likely had a part on this and nobody can change that.  

  • I think the United States could help and send supplies food water clothing, anything these people need. I think people from the US never really think about problem like that because the US is so well off. I don't think they could have prevented it because it was a result of the civil war and other economic issues.

  • I think this is sad but the United States can send over help and give whatever is needed. But this should have never of happened the leaders should have known it was to far and innocent civilians are suffering from poor judgment. 

  • We can send help and items that Africa is in need of. Food, water, clothing anything we need and there are many types of transportation ways to get them there. No, they are already pretty desperate for supplies I dont think they would put themselves at more risk.

  • I think that the US could maybe help in some way, but the US still has to deal with our own country's problems as well. Even if we sent them food, I don't know how that would help everyone who needs it. Although, sending some help would be better than none. I think it would have been difficult for them to prevent the famine because there are so many people who live there...

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