The Caspian Sea Monster!

ekranoplan-caspian-sea-monster-2.jpg During the Cold War, the Soviets said that they had a boat that could jump over bridges. The United States launched its first spy satellites to search deep into the soviet’s territory. After receiving the images, they found something strange in the dock of one of their harbors. What they found is a plane with wings that are way too short, sitting on the water. This plane was way bigger than any modern-day plane. The United States Intelligence was shocked to see that the plane was as fast as a conventional plane. The U. S. Intelligence had many red flags go off, and was concerned the soviet union had made new super propulsion. The U. S. Intelligence didn’t know what they were looking at so they nicknamed it The Caspian Sea Monster. The Soviet Union actually made an Ekranoplan which is like a hydrofoil. A hydrofoil is a boat with a wing under the boat to lift the entire ship out of the water to reduce drag. An Ekranoplan is like a hydrofoil but the wings are on the side. The Ekranoplan can skim across the water at very high speeds. An Ekranoplan uses a physics trick that is called the Ground Effect. The Ground effect is where a plane's wings make a high-pressure zone under the wings, which gives it extra lift. The Ekranoplan is designed to maximize the ground effect. This kind of plane can be very useful in ocean warfare because of the radar shadow. The radar shadow is where radar is blocked by the curvature of the earth. Because the plane isn’t in the water, it won’t set off underwater mines and torpedoes and can transport tonnes of people and equipment quickly. W4LSdxD.jpgIt can even be equipped with weapons of its own to attack the enemies. To start flying it, they started with all the engines on to get it in the air, then they turn off the front eighth engine. Then the plane only uses the two back engines. Using all the engines, it can produce 1,275 kN of force which is 30% more than a Boeing 747. The plane has some major flaws, it can’t fly at all in any bad weather, and if something goes wrong you will have little time to make corrections. Many plane companies are considering making a passenger version of the plane, do you think they should make more of these ekranoplan style planes?

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  • Good summary and story Greg but you didn't reply to any student comments.

  • I believe these types of planes are strictly novelty items for rich collectors. They might be a cool idea, innovative even. But they just wouldn't go good over most open water tests. You see, waves exist. I rest my case.

  • I do think that these planes could be very useful in many circumstances. I don't really think they have a use outside of the military on a commercial scale because using a boat would be cheaper and a normal plane more reliable but we might see them once again one day.

  • I think that it would be very cool if they could make more of these planes and it would catch many people's eyes. But in today's day and age we have so many modes of transportation that we really don't need something like this unless we maybe need it for warfare.

  • This planes could be beneficial for the military. I persoanlly don't think that they would be very usefull for commercial use of them. The planes as you stated have many major flaws and could do more harmn that good, so the major thing is that this planes need a lot of work to be put into them. 

  • I think that it would be good it the USA made one of this I think that it would be good for the millitary so I think that it would be a good thing if this would be made but it would take a long time to get use to flying or riding in one of this planes 

  • I think that these types of planes were made for the navy or air force it would be a great additions to their list of planes. One downside to these planes is that they cannot fly in bad weather which could lead to some really big problems on trans-Atlantic journeys. 

  • I think if they could successfully make one of these planes that will glide accross the water and be able to fly when needed it would be a big advantage in our navy/airforce strength.  The USA could use these and it could help us in the future.

    • this general concept is proven and they have made smaller ones but I do agree once they can make a full-scale large plane it could change how wars are fought just like the aircraft carrier change the battlefield forever this might do the same.

  • I don't think that planes like this should be made for commerical use, but should insted be only used for millitary use. If plane companies would decide to make a plane like this for commerical use then they would need to make many changes to it that way it could fly during bad weather and sail during bad storms.

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