Should Toys Be Banded?

 Toys are alwasy something kids enojy playing with. When I was a kid I loved my toys and I loved when I got new ones. I think that many kids enjoyed having toys when they were little and even kids now enjoy having toys. There has been a study that toys injury rate has increased to 40% in the United States. Its also including statistics from emergnacy departments collected between 1990-2011. There has been over 3 million children treated in emergancy rooms for toy related injurys, and a little over half the kids being injurged are 6 years and younger. Researchers habe found that the number one toy causing these injurys are ride-on toys or scooters. Dr. Gary Smith, the leader of the research, said " We know that those numbers are increasing. So its a call to action. We really do have a lot more work to do to provide safe toys for children." He also says that 40% only comes from emergancy departments, but there are also kids who don't get medical care at all.

 There are also different types of toy injuries for different ages. Kids under 5 spend most of their time at home, so they get injured by inside toys. For children under 3 its choking hazards. Toys with small parts are always a hazard for smaller children and recalled toys can always be the problem. Dr. Smith recomends that parents look at  before buying the toy. As for older kids it is scooters, they became very popular in 1999 but there were also lots of injurys from them. Dr.smith suggest that if you buy a scooter you should get a helmet with it and make sure your child isnt close by any street. Now that you know some hazards that toys can cause to children do you think they should be banded or do you think toys arent dangerous? 

should toys  be banded?

Did you have a scooter? If so did you ever get injured from it?


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  • I don't think toys should be banned because you can get hurt from anything. You just need to wear a helmet or saftey stuff and take the right safety precautions and you will be fine. I think they only get hurt because there parents don't put the safety stuff on them.

    • As long as the young kids don't choke, they will be fine. I don't think I have ever worn safety equipment on a bike along with any of the people I know and we are still here. I think kids just need to be tougher and the parents need to chill a little bit.

  • I dont think that toys should get banned you can get hurt for anything you just got to take the safty percautions and you will be fine. You should also get all the safty gear like a helment for the scooter and you will be fine. I think kids are only gettering hurt becasue the parents are not taking all the safty. I think that if it has like little people in the toy they should take those out but not the hole toy.

  • Interesting topic! I do think your summary could be more focused on your thoughts and opinions. There are also some errors-banded shoucld be banned.

  • toys should not be banned, this sounds like some dystopian idea straight out of that phineas and ferb movie.  toys back in the 60s-80s where way more dangerous, such as the snacktime cabbage patch doll that was litterally chewing kids fingers off.  I've never had a scooter, but I've seen people get hit in the ankles by razorscooters and that looks like it hurts.

    • Toys back then were way more dangerous, and also a lot more entertaining. I think that the ssue is parents care way tooo much now, and kids need to be tougher. And by the way, it hurts really bad to get hit in the ankle by a Razor scooter.

  • I do not think toys should be banned. I think that parents should be responsible about what toys they buy. I did have a scooter and I did get hurt from it but thats part of being a kid. You learn from your lessons and parents should just let kids be kids.  

    • I agree. Kids are going to get hurt. It is part of learning, and a lot of times they are having a fun time when it happens. I think the parents need to clam down and let their kids live a little bit and not be so protective.

  • I don't think that toys should be banned because it helps kids grow up and I think that toys are a big stress reliever for kids who have stress and it makes kids feel better everytime that they get a new toy and makes them feel lke they are liked by people.

    • I agree with you because toys can take stuff off of the kids mind and that can help them a lot. As you said when they get a new toy there are really excited and feel really good about themselves. 

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