Should timed tests be a thing?

Have you ever been taking a timed test and you realize that you're almost out of time? Well, I'm sure most students have been in that situation. The College Board has decided to redesign the SAT so that they're a lot shorter, this will give the students more time to take the test. The majority of students around the world believe that timed tests don't show what we know. Most students feel pressured because of the time so they don't perform their best. If they aren't doing their best on the timed test then that means that the scores are inaccurate. That's not fair to the students. Their intelligence should not be determined by inaccurate test scores. 


These timed tests are holding students back from performing as well as they can. A student at Heritage Academy High School said “ I have always hated timed tests because they do make my performance worse purely because of the time constraint.” I agree with this. Whenever I take a timed test I notice i'm focusing more on the fact that I'm running out of time than on the test itself. Timed tests aren't fair to anyone even if they do well on them. I need time to be able to go over what I just did. I shouldn't have to rush myself on a test just so I can get done in time. 


I think it's time we get rid of timed tests or maybe give a little more time on the test depending on what we’re testing on. Some students believe that we shouldn't get rid of timed tests at all and that we should keep them the same. They believe that if you can't finish the test in the given time then you should study harder. While that could be true for some people not everyone performs the same while taking a test. Another student mentioned that as we’re growing up we will be put into stressful situations. This is true but I don't think we should deal with that while taking a test. We should have the opportunity to do our best on the test. 


Do you think we should still be taking timed tests?

Do you think timed tests are fair to everyone?

Do you find it hard to focus when taking a timed test?

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  • I would also like to say that some kids process a lot slower than other, whether reading or math. Especially if some of the wording is hard. Which leads to a disadvantage to kids who can't read/do math fast.

  • timed test are dumb cause it makes people rush and do poorly. timed test are not fair because there are kids that are quick about what they know and other people need more time.

  • I understand why timed test are a thing but I don't think they're helpful. People take different times to do things and being pressued to get a test done is stressful and could lead you to a bad score. I think if tests don't have to be timed they shouldn't 

  • I don't really care for time test, but it wouldn't be a big deal if we had them. Also if we did have timed test i think it would be fair to everyone if everyone if everyone did it though.

  • I think timed test should not be a thing. Knowing that you only have a limited time to get your work done stresses me out and makes me rush the questions. rushing the questions gmakes me not do as well, and I will end up not satified with my grade. However, if I have a non timed test, I feel comfortable to take as much time as I need to find the right answer. And after, I genrally do better on those type tests.

  • I do not personialy belive we should have timed test at all. I really hate being on a time limmite, It makes feel rushed and being rushed on a test might not bring out th best of a student. Timed test should just be pulled out of all school systems.

  • I don't think we should have timed tests, and I think that we should have as much time as we need to finish a test. No, I don't really think that timed tests are fiar to everyone. I find it really hard to focus during timed tests and they stress me out. 

  • I personally think that we should have as much time as we need to finish a test. No, timed test are not fair because some students get extra time to finish test unlike others.

  • I do not believe that timed tests are beneficial for students because students should be focusing on doing their very best. It depends on the student; some can get their tests done under the timer but I don't believe its fair to the others' who need extra time. Personally, it depends on the test. If it is a longer test than I may start to become stressed because of wanting to get it done under the due date. However, if its a shorter test then its no problem. 

  • I don't think we should be having any timed tests. I feel llike it can make some people stressed while taking their test and it can cause them to not focus. It can also make them rush a question which could end up making them answer incorrectly. I think that at times it can be hard to focus on timed tests, but it usually depends on the topic.

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