I personally think that we should increase regulations to prevent climate change because it is impacting the earth in so many bad ways. Like causing more hurricanes and tropical storms also damaging some of the animal populations around the world. Increasing the environmental regulations around the world would also help with this problem because of pollution like oils in the oceans and all of the excess greenhouse gases in our atmosphere. 


If we don't stop or atleast slow down the climate change our whole world could go down in a spiral in the next couple hundred or years but if we all start doing something maybe the world could live longer than what it might end up being.Also enforcing more regulations would also help animals and their homes and we would be less animal species going extinct.




Do you think we should increase environmental regulations?


If so why?

If not why?

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  • Good topic choice Malcolm! I do think your summary is breif overall. You could have talked about specific regulations a bit more and maybe some specific laws that you think should happen. Also be sure to comment on three different days next time.

  • I think that we could possible add some regulations, but with that, we have to make sure it is safe for the environment. I think global warming is quite frankly not as big, and bad as some make it seem. The earth is made to eventually die off. Eventually the world will end, and I'm not sure how much we can really truly do about it. 

  • I do not think that we need to increase the enviormental regulations to help climate change, however I definetly think that people should look at what they are doing like littering should be more heavily enforced. I also think that things such as littering should have a higher fine.

  • I think that enviromental regulations should be put in place for some areas. This is because we need to start cleaning up our planet but also because then that might guarantee that our great great - grandchildren and so on can live on a clean planet. Also some regulations we might even know if they were put in place.

  • I do believe that we need more environmental regulations, the world isn't going to get any better if we don't do anything about it, from the 1950's to now the average temperature rise is approximately 33 degrees F. That is just going to prgressively get worse if we don't make changes to the environment, but we do have to think about if the people would actually do it or keep up with it.

  • In my opinion we need to increase environmental regulations because it is an undeniable fact that world is going to be in serious trouble if we don't increase the precautions. Some countries even may stay under water if the water levels raise, and average heat increases.

  • I think we do need to increase enviormental regulations because if we don't do something then it's just going to get worse. But how many people are actully going to follow through with what they regulate half of our country cares and the other half don't. 

  • I think that we could possibly implement more regulations, but only if the regulations that won't hurt the economy. I think that if people really want a change, we need to find more affordable options. I think that the high prices deter many people from making changes such as driving electric cars and using solar panels.

  • I think that global warming could be a result of the end of mankind. The reason is the glaicers are melting enough to make ocean levels rise enough to cover all the continents. So I think that people higher up are already placing emission laws and other laws to keep this from happening.

    • I agree that if we dont do something about this now than some of our countrys and contanents will be under water.

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