Should students take a self defense class?

            Should students take a self defense class? When people think of self defense classes, they probably think of taekwando or karate. There is a self defense class going on in WIN right now for Junior and Senior girls, but I think it should be all female highschool students that are allowed to take the class. Self defense classes can obviously teach you how to defend yourself in an unsfafe stituation, but it can also boost your self confidence, spread more awareness, and improve your physical and mental health.

             These classes are more geared towards teens/young adults but I think that everyone else should learn how to defend themselves. Self Defense training can help you learn how to descalate a situation and know how to deal with violence. In these classes, you would be taught about being more aware of your surroundings, having safety strategies, awareness of being vulnerable as a women/girl. I think the classes should be tought by woman survivors or victims with a lot of experiences.

            One of the main things this class should focus on is awareness of sexual assault, domestic violence, and how to prevent abuse. I think that physical defense should always be your last option unless the person attacking you just came up and started punching you or something like that that is sudden. We are all in highschool and my guess is you have probably been bullied before, so why not learn how to defend yourself if the situation escalates to that extent.


Would you take a self defense class? 

Have you ever been in a situation where you have had to defend yourself?

What ages should this class be for?


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  • I would take a self defense class because it is smart and can always help when in need. I think you should take a self defense class when you turn 13, and because your aloud to get your permit its good to stay safe. I have never had a experince where I needed self defence.

  • I think taking a self defense class would be very beneficial to a lot of people. I think you should be able to start taking in 7th grade or around the age of 12 or 13 years old. Personally I have never been in a situation that I have had to really defend myself from someone.

    • I agree that it should start in either middle school or highschool.

  • I think that taking a self-defense class would be beneficial to everyone. You can keep yourself safe and family members and friends around you safe too. If they did offer this class it should be offered for anyone that wants to take it.

    • I agree that you could defend other people too. I also think it should be offered to anyone who wants to take it as long as they are in middleschool or highschool.

  • I think it could be an option for kids to take if they think they might need it. However, if kids do not want to take a class like that, the school would not require them to. This class could be benificial for kids who are worried about being jumped.

  • It couldn't hurt to take a self defense class. I think it wouldn't be necessary in small towns but somewhere like a city, it would be very useful incase anything happens. Nothing to serious happens in harlan so it can be a choice for the students.

    • I disagree because things can still happen in small towns because you never know what kind of people are in your town. Bad things happen everywhere.

  • I think it would be good to take a self defense class because kids are very targeted when it comes to kidnapping. I think that the class should be available for everyone because anyone might need it at some point.

  • I would take the class I think it is something good to learn just in case. Like in big cities or just towns with bad crimes. Also I think this class sould be for everyone and not just for girls but for everyone.

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