Should Sex Ed be taught in school?

In 5th or 6th grade us children usually watch a half hour video, about puberty and what will happen to our bodies throughout Middle School and High School. What we don’t know is what exactly we experience. We have to figure out ourselves what STI’s are, and how to treat our bodies the right way, what to expect from our bodies and how to treat a certain problem, like a yeast infection or balanitis.

I personally like to learn about our bodies and to help our bodies with the right treatment. We need to learn what’s bad and to keep safe. STI’s are a real thing, we need to protect ourselves. Using birth control, or using rubber, that doesn’t always keep us safe from herpes, syphilis, and CMV, these can be caused by kissing, and us being teenagers getting into relationships we need to stay clear from all of these.

Sex Education can be known as a funny class, we make jokes about it but this class will do justice to us as students to understand and help our bodies. For one, this class will make us more aware of the things going on in our bodies, and we need to know that, and I don’t mean on a cellular level just a basic concept so we know how to treat illness, or infections, to know if we need a check up from a doctor or to know if we can just treat it ourselves.

According to Iowa Code, “Each school board should provide age-appropriate and research-based instruction in human growth and development, including instruction regarding human sexuality, self-esteem, stress management, interpersonal relationships, domestic abuse, HPV and the availability of a vaccine to prevent HPV, and acquired immune deficiency syndrome as required in grades one through twelve.”

In only seven states, sex education is a required class in high school, Iowa is one, however, Iowa only shows kids the puberty video and that just doesn’t give us, now young adults, much information. Iowa is even supposed to give us a program called TPP. It would be apart of sex ed, but we don’t have the class. So, should Sex Ed be taught in school?

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    • Yes, and the class in 5th or 6th grade is only a video and we only learn about our periods or about BO, we need to learn more about STI's and how to prtect out bodies from harm.

  • Yes, I think it would be good for everyone to know the things that could happen when having sex. It would teach us to be careful and also aware of what could happen if we didn't use the right precautions. It would help us understand our bodies better. 

    • everything about high school is confusing one less thing due to this class would be great, but learning about our bodies on our own private time is sometimes miserable and hard to comprehend. 

  • I think that sex-ed should be taught in schools. I think that it should only be taught in high school and not for the younger kids because they probaly will not understand it. I think that if sex-ed was taught in school many high schoolers would be safer.

    • as much as sex ed has been made fun of it's so benificial and reliable, we may feel weird learning this in a class full of people we know and not know but it's so worth having it as a class in my opinion.

  • I think that sex education should be taught in schools. I think tht kids should learn about their bodies to keep themselves as well as others safe. I think that students would learn new and important facts about themselves. 

    • The incidents some poeple face with their bodies is countless, we need to understand what our bodies limits are and what could be wrong.

  • I believe that it should, I think its important for kids to be taught the things they dont know, I beleive they should tell everyone the risks of everything and if you do something you arent supposed to that it will harm you but I think if we get this class it could keep more people safe.

    • Every student needs to be safe during sex and this would give us a better understanding, use protection and safe gaurds from the risks we face while in a physical relationship 

  • I believe that sex ed should be taught in high school. The majority of the students that are having sex do it without knowing anything about the risks about it. It is important to know things about our bodies as we need to take care of it and keep it safe.

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