Should Parents Monitor Their Kids Social Media Activity?


A lot of people are concerned about how parents know that their children are playing it safe on the internet. Most people think that children should let their parents track what they are doing online. There are different settings that parents could set for their children on their phone. Parents are concerned about the online predators. We know there is a problem with younger children getting trafficked or even talking to little children. These predators are trying to take advantage of these little kids by bribing them with different things that those little kids would like. There are in fact ways for parents to change the settings on certain apps where their kids profile won’t show up for the public and it’s only shown for their friends. 

Along with the different predators and safety issues on social media apps. Parents are concerned about their children’s screen time. Most parents feel guilty with going on their children’s phone and invading their privacy on those social media apps. For young children it would be very important to set screen limits just to allow them to do other things besides spending most of their time on their phones. I think that for younger children it would make sense that their screen time on their social media. For older teenagers and young adults we shouldn’t necessarily have screen limits. Most of us keep ourselves busy with sports, school, jobs, family, etc. I think it’s important that we know about the online predators and the certain effects the more screen time we use. 


Do you think parents should monitor their children’s social media? Why or why not?

If your parents put restrictions on your phone, what would you do? 

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  • Well done overall Roberta! I do think your summary is brief overall.

  • I don't think that parents should monitor their children's social media because it is their personal life and not theirs. If they want to see what their kids are up to and what they are doing with their friends that is fine but not to monitor what they are doing ever minute of their lives.

  • I believe the level of monitering should depend on the child's age. If the child is at a young age and isn't able to know what is considered dangerous online, the parents should be monitoring and having some type of settings on in order to help better protect the child. As the child grows older, then the parents should give him or her more liberties online and not be as controlling. If my parents put restirctions on my phone, I would try to reason with them and see where they are coming from and why they think the restrictions would be bettter.

  • I think it all depends on what parents think on social media, or whether they trust their child enough that they don't need to. I think they shouldn't do this as it looks like an invasion of privacy and can cause trust issues among family members.

  • I think that parents should monitor their kids phones under certain circumstances. little kids should have their phones monitored because they don't know the difference between right and wrong. And you should monitor your kids phones if they get in trouble doing something they're not supposed to like talking to random people or sending out your personal information.

  • I dont think that parents should monitor their kids social media because it is personal and is not their social media to be monitoring. If my parrents put restrictions on my phone id probly just get rid of my phone becuase at that point it would prettymuch be the same thing as a flip phone.

  • I feel as if though they should not monitor our social media. This is because 1, it's our personal device which should be used only by us. Social media is also a way for people including kids to express themselves. Now while some people should be removed from the internet itself they shouldn't be forced to have their parent monitor their social media 24/7.

  • No they shouldn't monitor because it is our phone and only crazy mom's have to know everything.  I don't do anything bad on my phone so I wouldn't be worried anyways.  I don't think little kids should social media, they can play games on their ipads.

  • I think parents should monitor their kids social media if they are under a certian age. But I don't think at our age our parents should or need to check our social media. I think restrictions are okay if your child is young but kids our age should probably not have restrictions.

  • I dont think that parents should monitor you social media use. lots of kids love using social media and its how they can talk to there friends. It is also a stress relif and it can relax you when you are stressted out. And I think some social media is good for you.

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