Should American prisons be changed?

There are many pros and cons of our American prisons as it's a very bad place to be but the cruelty of prisons also makes people not want to go to them. But in some situtions such as framing and getting punished unfairly theres no avoiding prison time. Should we change our prison systems is the big question though. Even if we were able to change our prison systems how many diferent rules would have to be changed and how much would it cost?

Our prison systems are very oftenly not properly watched causing abuse and bullying in prisons. With this happening it could cause people that commited small crimes to be stuck with criminals that commit terrible offenses such as murder. This could cause those criminals to have trauma or even worse become worse crimals themselves having to deal with these worse criminals. As well as people that didn't even commit crimes and got framed. Have to deal with abuse and other issues with their inmates that actually belong in prisons.

Why do we have to have these strict and brutal prisons while other countries have more relaxed prisons and keep inmates safe while making them better people. Such as Norway instead of just throwing there criminals into cages and punishing them they try to turn them into good people and talk to them about their issues and get them help. While our prisons make our people worse and create new crimals. Especially when you give crimals life sentences as they will just cause problems in the prisons.

Our prisons and prisoners are so bad that prisoners oftenly attack gaurds and sometimes cause severe injuries. This shows that sometimes our prisoners deserve to be in prison with the terrible conditions as these conditions cause them to not want to come back or make other people ever want to come in. As well as when our countries crimals commit bad crimes we make sure they go to a bad place as a punishment and if they ever get out they hopefully stay on track and become better people instead of continuing there before crimes. If our prisons punishments were to light our people just wouldnt care about going to prison and would commit crimes and not care and our inmates wouldn't learn.

There are many diferent reasons why are prisons should be changed but theres also many reasons they should be kept as they are or maybe even made more strict with crimals becoming younger and younger in our current ages maybe we should spread our prisons to more strict to keep people from commiting more crimes



Should we make our prison systems more strict?

Should our prison guards have more protection?

Should we give our prisoners more chances and lesser punishments?


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  • I believe that our prisons are very strict as they are, so if they become more strict I think it would be wrong to the prisoners. I do think that guards deserve more protection they do have a lot but I think they could have some more. I think that some cases prisoners deserve lesser punishments but most are fair.

  • I think that our prison systems are very strict as it is, so they don't need to be more enforced. If there needs to be a more strict facility, then the prisoner could be more to a higher-security prison. I think that prison guards should have more protection so they don't have to be worried about their safety. 

  • Prison systems are pretty stricted already the way they are, I don't think we need to make them anymore disciplined. Yes, they should have more protection. You can never be too safe. I think if we were to give them more chances it would have to depend on the crime.

  • I think our prison systems are just fine how they are right now, of course they could always be more strict with prisoners who need it. I don't think it hurts to give the prison guards more protection. I think the chances and punishments should depend on the crime commited.

  • I think prisons are strict enough as they are, they do not need to be strict more. I think there could be more safety protection for prison guards. I think non-violent prisoners should be given lesser punishments and more chances to get out of prison.

  • Our prisons are strict enough as they are because there are barely any people escaping from them. The guards should have more protection in case a riot starts. We should give the same amount to the prisoners as we are right now.

  • I think it should be more protected than strict, I there should be a place for each criminal category, for each level of crimes that exist, so that they do not mix, as you say, with other criminals who do worse things.

  • I don't think our prisons should be more strict, but I do believe they should have more protections. I think prisons don't always do their intended job of reforming prisoners, and instead make them worse sometimes. I believe the prison system is unfair to people who are wrongfully accused, but it does do a good job of containing people who actually need to be in prison.

  • I think making our prison systems more striced would cause more problems like fights or whatever, but they are already strict enough. I think prisons gaurds should because if your in a more dangorus prision there is more chances of illigal things or injurys from like guns. I think they are good at whatever punishments that they have already but if they did something not so bad then they could lessen their punishments. 

  • I think that they should be more strict so that people wouldn't commit as many crimes because they would be more afraid of the prison. I think that prisons should have a lot more guards so that there isn't bullying and fighting as much as it normally would. I think that how bad their punishment is should depend on how bad the crime was.

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