During the school days, if seniors are proficient in their grades and testing, seniors are given the privilege to leave school and have an open campus hour. In your junior year, if you are proficient in testing, during the fourth quarter you’re given the same chance to leave during lunch and open classes. This privilege leads to some arguments and fighting between the school and students. Some students believe that if you are passing classes and proficient you should be allowed to leave, others feel that it is unfair for the lowerclassmen to have the same privileges. The individuals who think all students should be allowed to leave feel that if someone works hard enough for it they should be able to leave for the downtime at school. Some would even argue that teaching kids more than a study hall would. Open campus has shown some growth in students' independence and responsibility. It allows students the opportunity to prove their responsibility and great efforts in school. Some would even argue that it helps support local businesses and promotes shopping locally.

Others would argue that only seniors deserve the open campus because throughout the years they have proven whether they deserve it or not. Some people feel that lowerclassmen are not mature enough to leave. Some other cons to the open campus are the risk to students' lives while going to and from school. It may soon lead to excess tardies and an increased amount of absences. Another negative aspect of the open campus is some parents feel it leads to students spending unnecessary money. Schools worry that students will take advantage of the open campus and lead to getting the whole privilege taken away.

I don’t mind how it goes. I think that if we give it to lower grades we have to make sure that students have a permit or license. I think that if schools allow lower ages to leave, the school will start to see an increase in absences and a decrease in grades. At the same time, I think that if students are proving they can be responsible and handle leaving school then we should allow them. So overall, I don’t care if it was changed or not.


Do you think lowerclassmen should have an open campus?

Do you think students would take advantage of it?

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  • Great topic choice Brehdan and well done overall!! Is there any research out there on the impact of open campus postitive or negative? No one has done this topic this year +5.  Late  -10.

  • I think that all students depending on how good their grades are and GPA should have open campus when it comes to study halls. Most students would and will take advantge if it but I do belive that its fair if most of the students as long as they are passing they can leave.

  • I think that all students, if they are proficient in subjects and passing all of their classes, should be allowed to leave school during open periods or study halls. I think that the majority of students that live in town would take this opprotunity. It might not be worth it for some students that live out of town to drive all the way home and come straight back.

  • I think that students should be able to leave for their study halls because they arent going to do homework if they don't want to. I think students should also be allowed to leave because then there wouldn't need to be a teacher to watch them and they then wouldn't need a extra person.

  • I think if students have good enough grades in their classes and are not constantly getting into trouble with teachers or others. Most likely most students would take advantage of this oppurtunity of going home during their study hall especially if they don't have school work to do.

  • I feel like if the student is doing good in there classes then they should have the option to leave during a study hall or lunch. I do feel like there would be some students that would take advantage of the privilege.

  • Its great that schools give upperclassmen those opportunities if they maintain good grades but In my opinion, if lowerclassmen also do a good job, there should be no reason in why they shouldn't. I do think that some students would take advantage of it but hopefully not in a bad way.

  • I think that onlyjouniors and seniors should get open campus. Some people in the lower grades don't have their drivers license, so it wouldn't do them a whole lot of good to hav eone anyways because they couldn't go anywhere.

    • Yes, but if the underclassmen have the opportunity to have a liscence then they should be able to have open campus.

  • I think that the break would be nice becuase every one just playsw games in study anyways. The studyhall is nice to do homework every once and a while but get really long and pointless. I think that people would prabaly take advantage of it.

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