Severe Weather Hits Southeast

So far there has been weather in the southeast that has killed two people so far in Louisiana,a 2 year old girl and her 38 year old mother after a tornado of winds around 100 to 110 blew there mobile home off the ground. tornado warnings have been issued all a crossed Georgia and will do so till 5 p.m. tonight. Already today there were so far two tornado's that have touched down but no damage has been recorded. 


1. if you lived in the area of the storms what would you do to prepare for the worst?

2. if your town was hit by a nader what would you do to help out others? 


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  • I would probably just prepare food, clothes, and drinks so that just in case we had to stay in the basement i would be good to go. I bet the community would help out with any damage done to others houses.

  • I would make sure I had plenty of food, clothes, water, etc. I would make a set plan as to how I should react in this situation, and what the safest place in the house would be to go. If my town was hit, I would try and help rebuild all the wrecked homes and help the injured.

  • I would make sure that i have everything that I need, like Cloths, Food, Water, and take most of it to the safest room in the house. i would have some with me, just in case. I would help by giving others some of my food, water ,and cloths. I would try to help set up some shelters for people to sleep in and rest in.

  • I would make sure i have food and water. I would make sure we had a room in the house where we go during storms. I would try to raise money to help with all the damage that the storms would bring. 

  • I would probably make sure my home was secure and go down in the basement and make sure I have all the needs like food and water down there as well so I wouldn't have to go upstairs to get anything. If my town was destroyed by a tornado then I would help other people rebuild their homes and help out the community. 

  • I would get my family and get out as soon as I could. I would try to rebuild and help others through the devastation. Hopefully the majority of people would evacuate.

  • I would make sure all my valuables are safe and then I would probably leave the area for a little while. I would help out in any way possible. 

  • First I will plan to leave that place, and I will always be ready to run in the basement when the storm comes, I will volunteer to clean the damages and give people hope by telling them everything will be alright and I will encourage them to take safety alert every time.

  • I would make sure my home met all the security standards to ensure safety for my family and I. I would help others find their loved ones and share my supplies the best I could.

  • I would try and bring everything inside and get enough supplies to have on hand. I would defiantly give my time to help cleanup from a disaster like this because it can mean a lot to someone who lost belongings or even their homes.

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