School lunch: Should it be improved

School Lunch: Should it be changed?


School lunch isn’t very good. This is because many schools don't get enough money to be able to change them and make them healthy and appetizing, instead settling for cheap foods so they can pump out school lunches to everyone. 


Many people, including myself, say that school lunches are very bad and they don’t serve enough food. With more and more videos going around online of expired milk, undercooked chicken, or literal slop on their trays for lunch, it's beginning to become a problem. Our school has better lunches than some, but they still aren’t great with portion sizes and quality of meals.


There are many things we could do to change this, but most take action. We could allocate more money towards lunches, but less would go to the rest of the school, especially when school lunches are edible and perfectly fine to eat. 



What would you change about school lunches?


What is your least favorite school lunch?


Should lunches cost more if we improve them?

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  • I would let the students choose what they want to eat throughout the school year. For example, students should take a poll at the beginning of the year and the meal/food that wins gets served the most throughout the year and server the rest based on percentage. 

  • I feel like the quality of our lunches should be changed. I remember getting chili once and it was really cold. Most of the food isn't very warm and doesn't look cooked very well. My favorite lunch is the chicken nuggets. They are not the best, but they taste good in my opinion.

  • I don't eat school lunch but I think they could have more of a variety throughout the month. Sloppy joes are the worst lunch because they aren't good. I don't think school lunches should be expensive.

  • I don't have a huge problem with the food options, however I do wish there were more. Sometimes all we get provided by the school is a main course option, wheras fruit, salad, etc., are optional, as well as the option to buy extras. My least favorite school lunch is the calzone. 

  • I think the school lunches are acceptable the way they are, but it would be nice to have some better quality meat and portion sizes, as well as, better food preparation. If some of those issues were fixed I would feel fine about using the money for the rest of the school.

  • How crazy the line's are and how unorganized everything is. Sloppy Joe's because it lookes and tastes like prison food. If we approve luch I think lunches should cost less because it feels like im constantly refilling my lunch money

  • I have mixed feelings about school lunch. Most of the time, the food isn't very good, and I would rather eat nothing at all, and some days the food is ok. My least favorite school lunch is the sloppy joes. The meat tastes horrible and the only other edible thing is the fries, which are usally super burnt and as hard as rock. I think that the school can buy better stuff with their money and should be able to provide a more tasty meal.

  • school lunches need to be improved. school lunches are not as good as some people may think. most the time it just warmed up in the microwave or tastes blaned. 

    my least favorit lunch is probably the chiken nuggets because there rarlerly ever hot.

    no they shouldnt increass the amount school lunches cost because, students require good options to choose from so they will actully eat the food the school provides.

  • In my opinion, I think that school lunches have a lot to improve upon. One of my biggest problems with school lunch is that most of the time, the food is cold because the food has been left out long enough between lunch periods. This wouldn't be a hard problem to fix and it wouldn't be expensive. Another cheap solution to this would be to have salt packets for french fries.

  • I think that they should change the quality and proportion sizes of the school lunches. You pay for every meal you eat but you don't get anything to eat. As a high schooler, you eat much more food and you need much more food. I think that the first thing they need to do is serve bigger size proportions and not mak students pay for seconds. 

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