Robin Williams was in early stages of Parkinson's Disease

Robin Williams was was struggling with depression, anxiety and the early stages of Parkinson's Disease when he died, his widow said Thursday. The diagnosis of the progressive illness was an additional fear and burden in his life, a person familiar with Williams family told CNN. Robin was found dead in his home after committing suicide by hanging himself. While fans and friends have looked for answers to why the 63 year old comedy icon would take his own life, his wife, Susan Schneider, issued a written statement about Williams health that he had kept a secret. 

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Why do you think a good actor like that would commit suicide? 

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  • Good topic choice! I think your summary could be summarized in your own words a bit better however.

  • He was probably suffering from depression and wasn't happy in life at all really. He spent his whole life making people happy when he was the one who was sad. I had watched a lot of his movies when I was little and it's an awful thought knowing he committed suicide. 

  • I think it was just the depression anxiety and like you said early stages of Parkinson's disease that got to him.  

  • As the article said he was struggling with depression and worry of his newly diagnosed disease. He was a great actor and a very good comedian, sometimes the happiest are the ones with the most pain.

  • So many things were going wrong in his life that he just didn't think that there could be any solutions. He was a broken man that was tired of waiting for things to get worse, so he ended it. The stress of being a celebrity probably didn't help anything either. 

  • Sometimes you never know why people take there life you may never know. I think he took his life because he was having depression, anxiety and when you have Parkinson disease there is lots of symptoms. Maybe he thought he couldn't handle it anymore. You just never know

  • Maybe he was so worried about his reputation, because he hasn't been in any movies for a while as far as I know. He had such a long carrier run, but it kind of died off, so maybe he couldn't find something to uplift his depression afterwards.

    • I agree with you that he was worried about his reputation, but he still had a lot of money and he shouldn't be worried about being in any movies because he has been in a ton.

  • I think that with so much pressure, depression, anxiety and the early stages of Parkinson's Disease that he was so stressed and couldn't handle it anymore so he took his own life.  He was a great actor, comedian, and person but he felt he could not handle what his life was like in these past recent years, and we will never know why he did such a thing. 

  • Robbin Williams not only had a great career, but he was also a great person. It's so sad to think that a person who always seemed so happy was experiencing so many problems and sadness that he felt the only way to deal with it was to end his own life. Even though no one will know what was exactly going through his mind when he decided to commit suicide, I have a feeling a lot of it had to deal with combination of his depression, anxiety and the stress of being diagnosed with Parkinson's Disease and he felt that it was too much to handle.

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