Prince Was Prepared To Die?

Back in 1990’s Prince was diagnosed with HIV but just last year it developed into AIDs. He was diagnosed with AIDs just 6 months before his death. AIDs caused him to have several medical and health issues. His weight dropped to 80 pounds, blood count was low, his body temperature was 94 which is dangerous considering the normal is 98.6, he was iron-deficient, weak and disoriented, he barely ate, and he couldn’t keep anything down. He was also having skin problems and color disorientation of the skin.

He also had influenza at his time of death which is believed to be the cause of his death because he was not able to fight off the influenza because he had AIDs.He did not want treatment for AIDs because he believed God would cure him. He was found in his elevator unconscious and unresponsive in his elevator at his home in Chanhassen, Minnesota. He was pronounced dead at 10:07 a.m on Thursday, April 21.

Read the full story here. and here.


1. Do you think Prince should have got the medical attention that he refused?

2. Prince also received an autopsy. Do you think influenza and AIDs were the cause of his death or do you believe something else caused this?

My Opinion: I think that he should follow his beliefs. If he was a religious believer and believed God would heal him then no I don’t think he should’ve got treatment. I think that influenza and AIDs was the cause of his death especially with all the health issues he was having. I hope that it wasn’t anything else. But, you never know.

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  • Good job Tara!

  • Ya he probably should of got medical attention but it was his decision.

    Ya im guessing the influenza and Aids destroyed his body.

  • It all depends on what the person believes.. if they believe that god will heal them then they should follow their beliefs. Personally I would get medical attention, but that's just me

  • I think it's up to the person. If they are ready to go or if the medicine is against their faith then they shouldn't get it, but if they want it then yeah get the medicine you need. The AIDs were already destroying his body, the influenza probably just made his immune system weaker and that sped up the process. 

  • He probably should have, but it was his choice. I think the flue and his AIDs caused something to happen that was the cause of his death, but not those two diseases specifically.

  • UPDATE:  I saw on the news this morning that Prince was actually scheduled to receive addiction help on April 21. But, when the guy who was supposed to help him showed up on the 21st they found him in his elevator unconscious. Pain killer addiction was part of his death, but I'm sure having AIDS and influenza also played a part in his death.

  • I think that it would have been beneficial to get this medical help, but i think he had a reason for not wanting to have it. I think that it isn't his HIV or AIDS, but something different. I don't know if HIV or AIDS would cause someone to drop dead. 

  • I think that this decision was completely up to him. He knew what his options were, and he chose to go down the path of putting it in God's hands. I believe that all of these combined to his death. I don't think it was just one thing, but all of these put together. I don't think his body could fight it off physically any longer.

    • Agreed! He had opitions and he choice to believe God would heal him. I also agree it was multiple things combined that killed him not just one.

  • I think that if he wanted the medicine he would've gotten it. I think it all depends on the person's beliefs. If he thought God would heal him, then let him believe that. It's his own decision. I believe that this was a good reasonable answer for his death. 

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