Paper Straws/Plastic straws which is bettter?

We all know that plastic straws are harmful to sea animals such as sea turtles. There are many pros and cons to both plastic and paper straws. 


 The advantages of paper straws are they take 2-6 weeks to decompose but paper straws soon become very soggy and you eventually have to throw away your unfinished drink or get a new straw. If a movie theater has paper straws then you would be having to get up and go out of your movie once the paper straw becomes soggy and you cannot suck anything up anymore. That honestly is just a waste and is not good for landfills. Paper straws cause more pollution in landfills and they can also be unsafe with toxins.  Paper straws are the most common solution however they are not the best alternative. 

Plastic straws take up to 200 years to decompose. Many cities on the east and west coast have banned plastic straws. Paper straws are the most common solution however they are not the best alternative. Plastic straws I feel have more benefits to it such as not having a soggy straw and having to replace it every 10-20 minutes. 


I personally believe that we should use plastic straws rather then paper ones only because there are better alternatives to it rather than sucking out of a soggy straw.

Which do you prefer?

What do you think is best for the environment?

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  • In my opinion, I would prefer to use plastic straws because I don't need to replace them, but paper straws are more environmentally healthy. I believe this because I know I wouldn't like the hassle of replacing my straws every so often. Paper straws could also change the flavor of the drink, so I would prefer plastic straws for that reason too. I do realise that it would be a lot healthier for the environment, because each straw takes only a couple of weeks to decompose instead of 200 years, so I wouldn't be opposed to using them.

    • I agree, you are just wasting more paper straws then you need to since they disenagrated in such a short amount of time.

  • The plastic straws are able to be used more then just one time as for paper yes they decompose faster but the more there are the longer it will take. Know if you honestly think about it lets just say they take 20 min to become soggy then theres 3 straws in 60 min/ 1hour plus not counting how meny people there are useing them just 3 staws whould take up to 3 times the amount as 1 and thats just 2-6 weeks. So doing the math and seeing everything I would go with plastic all the way. 

  • I don't think I've ever drank out of a paper straw. But I don't see the problem with plastic straws. The problem isn't the straws, it's the landfills problem if the plastic makes it into the ocean. Obviously, it's bad but there's nothing you can do about it by drinking from a paper straw. 

  • I think that plastic straws are better, paper straws do get soggy and uncomfortable to drink from after a while, although plastic straws are much better in my opinion, but when compared to paper straws they are less eco-friendly.

    • Agreed they do start to get uncomfortable when they start to become soggy.

  • I prefer paper straws because they are easy to produce and they are better for the enviroment. They are also biodegradable which means that it can be decomposed into the ground which is better than having plastics. When we produce plastic it polutes the air and makes it bad.

  • I'd rather use a plastic straw over a paper one the soggyness of the paper one would get super nasty and it would get really annoying having to get a new one. There are definently better alternatives. The only plus side about the paper straws is that they are better for the environment. 

    • I think the same. It would just get tiring having to get 2-4 straws over and over.

  • I would almost always rather drink out of a plastic straw over a paper straw, because when you drink out of paper straws, they get soggy. Although, paper straws seem to be better for the environment, but I don't think they are the best option to replace plastic. 

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