Nuclear Testing in North Korea?

On Wednesday morning in North Korea (Tuesday Evening in U.S.), a seismic event with a magnitude of 5.1 occurred. The explosion occurred at 9:30 AM and was near the site of a nuclear bomb test that occurred in 2013. A North Korean statement was televised stating that it was a hydrogen bomb test. It is believed by the U.S. that North Korea could have between 10-15 of these bombs. Currently, South Korea and Japan's foreign ministries are meeting to speak about this occurrence and if it should lead to war. 


Should the U.S. be worried about nuclear weapons and North Korea?

I think the U.S. should be worried for smaller countries that are close to North Korea like South Korea and Japan. I believe that they will be attacked before the U.S. will be affected. I do believe that countries should be monitored more for their nuclear weapons.

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  • Well done! Be sure to comment on more than one day next time.

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    • If a nuclear bomb were to be dropped on Japan, the country would most likely cease to exist. 

  • Yes! Even the whole world should be worried about this! Nuclear warfare is terrifying! The world has witness what happened  in world war two and destroyed millions of people. Now that the technology is more advanced than before, just imagine what they are capable of. We would go into Wold War Three and we will all most likely perish. Yes this is something big that a lot of countries should be worried about and not just the U.S. We should actually be more scared than worried.

    • This is very true. Even using just one nuclear weapon could affect our whole continent, even the whole world! World war 3 could definitely happen.

  • I think the US should be concerned with these new nuclear weapons that countries are coming out with. If North Korea tries to do something that would be scary because we also have to deal with ISIS problems right now and that doesn't help, because the president is hardly doing anything for the ISIS problems now how is he going to deal with North Korea too.

    • I agree. The U.S. fighting two powers at one time would not be a good idea and nuclear warfare could definitely happen!

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