Michael Phelps Coming Back?

Michael Phelps is returning to competitions this year and coming out of retirement. He has not swam competitively since the London Olympics were he set many records. He says he is not in Olympic shape but is in good enough shape to be able to comeback to competitions and not be embarrassed.I think that it is pretty cool to have the best swimmer in the world to come out of retirement to keep doing what he love.

What do you think about his decision? Do you think he should have come out of retirement?

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  • Well done!

  • I think this is a bad decision. He needs to stay retired so he can say he went out on top

    • Well him coming back may not be bad but I don't think he should go back into the olympics

  • This seems to happen a lot to athletes. Just like Brett Favre, Michael Phelps said he was done, and then came back. If I were him, I probably wouldn't. He is already loaded, he probably just missed working out, and competing.

    • Yeah that is what i was thinking as well.

  • it his decision to come back hopefully he does well.

    • That's true I think he will do pretty good

  • I really like watchin him swim. he is a very fast swimmer and I would like him to start again. I hope he is as good as he was if not better

  • I really don't care if he comes back, but I do think that he won't be as good as he once was and he might be in for a rude awakening once he starts competing again

    • Yeah I mean him swimming in small competitions may not be a terrible idea. Then again I dont think he should go back into the Olympics or anything that big.

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