Kylie Jenner held the record of 18 million instagram likes on her picture of her daughter. The record came to an end on Sunday, January 3rd. The new record of the most liked instagram picture now belongs to " EGG GANG" with a wopping 21 million likes.  Kylies reply to this was not hate or angered, but it was humor, Kylie took a video of her smashing a egg on the road saying "Take that little egg". Who is behind this picture of an egg that so many people have seen? I dont know, With the social media spot light focused on the the potatoe I feel like the creator will reviel his identitiy very soon. 

Do you think a new record will take its place anytime soon?

Well I mean its possible but I feel like nobody wants to put the effort into, but then again t a potatoe beat oWil

Do you think kylie actually cares?

I dont think that this has really put the much of a dent into her career. I could possibly hurt her reputatuion. By her responce video I think she is taking this as a joke. I would too.

Link to the story

If you want to like the picture, the user its under is named "@world_record_egg"

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  • Good summary but you didn;t reply to any student comments which is worth 20 points.

  • I do think that a new record will take the place of the "egg gang" because now that people know if you share photos more you can get lots of likes and I think that people will think it's fun to see how many likes they can get in order to replace whatever picture is on top with the most likes. I do not think that Kylie really cares because it is just instagram and she has a whole career while the "egg gang" does not. I think she must definitely be confused as to how an egg got so many more likes than the cute photo of her baby, but her response was very clever.

  • I mean anything could happen, someone could post a picture of anything and break the record again. I feel like in some ways she cares but in other ways she's taking it as a joke. I would definatly take it as a joke but I know it would probably be hard to take that a picture of an egg just beat her record of most liked photo.

  • I dont think a new record will happen anytime soon but they is always a possibilite. I think kylie cares a little it because she posted something that said take that egg and smashed a egg on the floor. But she know its just a joke and its not gonna hurt her reputatuion or anything.

  • I don't think a new record will take the eggs place anytime soon, but it is definitley possilble. I feel like since an egg just beat Kylie Jenner's record of the most like post in history, the excitment/newness of it would have been already wore off and nobody wants to do it again. 

  • It could happen but it's all just a joke and there is always something like on social media. I don't think it bothers her to much because like I said It is just a joke and she probably thinks it funny and it's not like it made her any less famous. 

  • I have seen that someone was trying to get a picture of a can of Bush's baked beans to get more likes than Kylie Jenner's most liked picture. I doubt she cares, she is a billionare who has more important things to worry abut than Instagram likes.

  • I think it is quite possible, but there is no way to know. I think Kylie just finds it funny. She shouldn't care too much because it wouldn't affect her carer any less, she's already got billions and continues to make more off her makeup products, so she has nothing to worry about. 

  • I'm sure at some point a new record will be made because somebody will want to beat it, however, I don't think Kylie will try to get her record back.  

  • I do not think that Kylie actually cares because it's just instagram likes, it's not like she is going to lose followers because of it. It's possible that a new recod could take it's place but how many people want to try? 

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