Is Middle Child Syndrome Real?

Middle child syndrome is where the middle child or also known as the "forgotton child", has a different personality due to the order of their birth and their siblings birth. For an example, oldest children are known for being for authoritive, stong willed and feeling powerful because of the high exeptations they hold from their parents. Youngest children are known for being spoiled and never being able to rise above their siblings. Middle children are known for quiet personalitys and have trouble fitting in due to being sandwitched between their siblings their personalitys are thought to be overshadowed by their siblings. Middle child syndrome is thought to have trouble feeling equal to their siblings in parental relationships. Middle children are thought to be jealous and needy for their parents attention and love. I personally am a middle child, I don't think this could be true for everyone but true for some. I can relate to the theory on a few levels and agree with the feel for attention but disagree with the personalitys, because it just depends on the person and not really birth order. 


What do you think?

Is Middle child syndrome real?

Are you a middle child?

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  • Great topic choice and one that hasn't been done before so +5. I do think your summary is brief and you should have replied more frequently as well.

  • Im a only child so I have no eveidence or experince with having symblings but I think its all just fake and stupid. I understand its because ur in the "middle" but I feel like its the same with being the last child or first child.

  • I think that middle child syndrome is a real phenomenom in many families. I do not know if this is caused by actual differences in the way they are treated in there childhood or if it is self-induced by the child. I am not a middle child myself, but I have seen it present in my own family and of those close to me.

  • I think some parts of it could be applied to some families. There are many cases where a middle child may feel squished in between the glory of the oldest and youngest. I don't think this necessarily will determine the personality of the child, nor will it make it more needy. 

  • I dont think it is a thing. I am the middle child in a way and I feel the same as all my siblings. We all are given the same things, fed the same, we all can shower. Yes, there are some ways that it is unfair at home, but that is life and not a syndrome.

  • I don't really think that middle child syndrome is real thing. I think that in most cases, the middle child is treated the same but just have a mindset of getting less. I have 2 older siblings and 4 younger siblings so I am not exact middle but I am in the middle. I think that I am pretty much treated the same.

  • I think that it just depends on the family because every person is different and raised differently. I don't know if it is real but I think that it could be. I am not a middle child but my younger sister is. I am the oldest and a lot of what you said fits into the way our family is.

  • I think it could be a thing in some families. I'm not the middle child in my family, I'm the youngest out of five. I think that this could be a thing due to the parents and how the parents think of their children. This doesn't happen in my family, the middle child is completely fine and never stood out from being shy and things like that. 

  • In my opinion it is not real because they are treated pretty much the same. I think it is a stereotype that has been created and they are considering themselves treated badly.

  • I do not think that middle child syndrome is real because middle children are treated just the same as the rest of the children in their family. Middle children have just built a steroye type around theirselves and they just need to quit complaning about it.

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