should homework be banned?

Homework can be very stressful for students, but also spending to much time on homework can affect a student developmental need and other life skills. Some students don't even do there homework anyways because they have more stuff to do. It can alost affect a students mental health in many ways. It can cause a person to loose lack of sleep which can cause them to do worse on the test or in school. Homework is basicly just judging somone with a letter and people want that perfect A but some cant get that perfect A, but when they get that F they feel like they are doing something wrong and there parents or whoever is taking care of them gets mad and think tha taking there stuff away will help them get that grade up but it really dont. 

Do you think homework should be banned?

Do you have that perfect A?

What do you think about homework?

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  • Emmalee,

    This topic had just been done and has been done several times this semester. Be sure to pick a topic that hasn't been done. Due to this, you were ineligible to get extra credit for being in the top five.  Overall, your summary is brief and you only replied to one student comment.

  • I don't think homework should be banned just reduced. I have to do my homework late at night into my sleeping hours because I'm such a busy person. I personally think if we had a smaller amount of homework students would enjoy classes more and have time to do things.

  • I do not think homework should be banned because it shows what you have learned and if you are profeictent. The amount of homework all depennds on the class your taking. also this homework does help kids learn.

  • I do not think homework should be banned since it is a way to teach students outside of the classroom especially since people learn better that way. I do think that there should be less homework since a lot of students go home to spend hours on homework every day.

  • I do not think that homework should be banned because of how it helps kids learn and understand the content more. However, it could be reduced because of how much stress it puts on students. Students shouldn't have to come home from sports every night, and then have to work on homework for multiple classes.

  • I think it is a good idea to ban homework or make it optional for the people who want to use it as a learning tool. I feel like homework brings people stress and hurts their grade because they have so much to do every night. Instead of studying for a test students will be focusing on all the homework they need to get done so they don't get points off. A lot of kids have jobs and extra activities after school and get home late and have tons of homework to finish.

  • I believe that schools should ban homeowork because kids have enough stress on them and they shouldn't have to go home and always worry about school. Some kids that have anxiety would like it better when they don't have homework and have to worry about how their going to do on test the next day.

  • I believe that homework should be banned in schools.  Students have biggert priorities and should focus on that. Students already spend a lot of time in class every weekday. I do not think it is necessary to have more work when they go home.

  • Overall no. I do not think that homework should be banned. I think that overall part of learning, and growing up is doing homework. I think that the people with "perfect A's" try hard, and do well in school. Others who fail most of the time, it is their own personal fault. 

  • I think that homework should not stay in schools. The homework is a lot for kids especially if they are in sports or other activitys outside of school. When kids get home from sports they want to shower and chill the rest of the night because they have been in school all day. When kids get home work it just adds to the number of hours kids spend on school. 

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