Is being an only child better than having siblings?

There are a lot of pros and cons to having siblings or being an only child. Being a person with many siblings I obviously have the opinion that it would be much better to be an only child for a very long list of reasons. While only children have the opposite opinion; also with a list of reasons.

Studies show only children are spoiled because their parents don't have any other children to take care of. Having one child rather than many or just multiple is much easier on parents money and time-wise and makes it much easier to deal with their child's needs. Studies also show that children with no siblings tend to have a closer relationship with their parents. But they also tend to have higher IQs because their parents have higher expectations for them.

Meanwhile, children with many siblings are a lot less lonely or bored. Many siblings have a bond that's there despite fighting due to the fact that they are around each other every day. A lot of people also point out for future reference they would like to have nieces or nephews which could be a given with siblings. But being around your siblings all of the time(especially with age gaps or siblings that don't share the same hobbies or interests) can lead to arguments/conflict. And your parents spend a lot on each child every year so they won't have as much money-wise as only children.

Being a child with many siblings I think it would be amazing to be an only child. I love my siblings but I also hate them from time to time. I feel like it would be nice to have my parent's full focus or experience life without having to divide everything between my siblings and me; among many other things.


Which do you think would be better? (Only child or siblings)

Why do you think so?

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  • Great job overall Hailey! Awesome job replying to people! The topic is fresh(+5) as well! I would like to see yoru sources listed and it was posted on Tuesday night which makes it two days late(-20). 

  • I personally think that growing up with siblings is better overall. Although, I did grow up with older siblings, so my opinion is most likely extremely biased. I feel like having siblings provides a child with someone to hang out with and rely on. As well as giving them someone to confide in. 

  • I like having siblings for many reasons. I think I would be bored without siblings, yet they can obviously be annoying. I think it isn't all that bad to have conflict with siblings because it can help to better control conflict. I also think my siblings push me to do well in what I pursue. Honestly, I would rather have siblings than not. 

  • I think that having siblings is way better, I have three and I cant imagine them not being aroud. Having siblings is annoying at times, but I still get pleanty of time to myself.

    • I agree I love having them around despite the fact that they annoy me all of the time. I know when we all move out we're gonna end up missing each other and I'm excited for the day my brothers are actually mature.

  • I feel like if you were an only child you would have an advantage becuse if you got toys as a kid and you were the only child your parents would be able to only spend money on you. If you are the only child you wouldnt have to deal with younger siblings because sometimes they get annoying.

    • I second that statement. Younger siblings tend to annoy older ones a lot more just because of the age gap and lack of the same interests. It would be great to get the things that you want all of the time as an only child. That doesn't apply to everyone, but it would be great to experience fitting the stereotype.

  • I think having siblings would be better. There are pros and cons to both. For example, being an only child you would most likely get more spoiled or more things. Also if you have siblings you can have someone to hangout with and talk with. When it comes down to which ones better I just think having sibings is better.

    • I like the idea of being spoiled because having a lot of siblings means you sort of have to fend for yourself if you don't have a lot money-wise. I think it's nice having siblings though when it comes to having someone to talk to, being bored, or just not having to do everything by yourself in the house.

  • I think that having siblings benefits children more. Being an only child means that you have all of the attention from your parents, and you won't have that once you move out of the house. Also, it is good to be able to interact with siblings and always have someone your own age there for you.

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