History of the Ararat Lunatic Asylum

     The Ararat Lunatic Asylum was a psychiatric hospital located in Ararat, Victoria, Australia. The asylum was established in 1867 and operated until its closure in 1998. It was originally built to accommodate patients with mental illnesses and provide them with care and treatment. The Ararat Insane Asylum had a significant impact on the local community and the history of mental health care in Australia. Over the years, the asylum faced challenges and controversies, but it also played a crucial role in advancing psychiatric treatment and understanding. Today, the site is considered a heritage-listed building and has been repurposed for various uses. 

     There have been many eerie stories and rumors surrounding the place. Some people claim to have experienced strange occurrences, like unexplained footsteps, whispers, and even sightings of apparitions. One of the most famous ghost stories is about a former patient named Margaret. It is said that she was a troubled soul who suffered greatly during her time at the asylum. Visitors and staff have reported hearing her cries and seeing her ghostly figure wandering the halls. Another chilling tale involves the old surgery room. People claim to feel a heavy and oppressive atmosphere in that area, as if the spirits of past patients are still lingering. Some even say they've heard the sound of surgical instruments clanging together, even though the room has been empty for years. Of course, these stories are just legends and folklore, but they certainly add to the haunted reputation of the Ararat Insane Asylum

     There have been several paranormal investigations conducted at the Ararat Insane Asylum. Many paranormal enthusiasts and investigators have been drawn to the location due to its haunted reputation. They use various tools and techniques, like EVP (Electronic Voice Phenomenon) recordings, EMF (Electromagnetic Field) detectors, and thermal cameras, to try and capture evidence of paranormal activity. These investigations aim to document and understand the reported supernatural occurrences at the asylum. Some investigators claim to have recorded strange voices, unexplained shadows, and even physical interactions with unseen entities.




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Did you know that an asylum could've been a very haunted place?

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  • I have never heard of this place but I would like to visit this mental hospital and explore around. I like seeing old buildings but not if there haunted. I would go with a big group of people though.

  • I have never heard of this but this asylum sounds intresting I would love to visit this mental hospital to explore around because I always loved seeing old things and if it was haunted then it would make it more intense but I would have people to go with me to not make me alone there.

  • I have never heard of this place. I would love to go visit this hospital. I am a big fan of exploring places, especially abandoned/haunted places. I have played throught Batman Arkham Asylum, and that game was creepy, so I would love to visit this place, regardless of haunting. 

  • I had never heard about this asylum, I find it too interesting since I am a fan of paranormal stories, but I still wouldn't dare visit it. Normally horror stories are about psychiatric hospitals or buildings like that, so it seems too logical to me that the place of the story is an Asylum.

  • I have never heard of asylum. I would like to go visit that hospital and see what things are true, see if you really hear cries or see things. Obviously I wouldn't go alone because I'm scared but I also like this kind of things.

    I like the haunted places or places that have some legend.

  • I have never heard of asylum. I don't think that I would ever want to vist this hospital because I think that it would be a little sketchy. I think that it would be a little scary and I would never really want to go here if I don;t have too.

  • I have never heard of asylum, but based on the article i think it would be cool to check out for content like for youtube. I would visit that hospital for youtube because some youtubers that go to haunted places get like millions of views, i think that it could have been and maybe still is.

  • I haven't heard about this Ararat Lunatic Asylum, but I don't think I ever want to hear about something like this, It just gives me the creeps. I wouldn't ever think about going to this hospital, I would rather be put in a mental hospital than go to a lunatic asylum. I didn't know an asylum could be haunted but that just adds to the many reasons of not wanting to go to one. 

  • I have not heard of the Ararat Lunatic Asylum. I definetly would not want to visit this hosptial for many reasons. It sounds like a very scary and unsettling place. I did not know that an asylum could've been a haunted place like this, but it makes sense.

  • I have never heard of this asylum But I have seen videos of people visiting asylums but never seen one in person. I do not think I would visit this asylum because I think it would be scary and mess with your head. I would assume that an asylum would be haunted because I Bet many people have died in the hospital.

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