History of Fentanyl in the U.S.

History of Fentanyl


What is Fentanyl? Fentanyl is an opioid drug that is often hidden in other drugs. People who are addicted to fentanyl usually don't realize it is in the marajana or cocaine they are buying. Fentanyl is easily addictive and can easily kill you. In the U.S. almost 1,000,000 people are addicted to fentanyl. Fentanyl is 50 times times more addictive than herion. If herion can ruin your life, just imangine how bad fentanyl can be.

Tony’s story. Tony got unknowingly addicted to fentanyl in their college years. They smoked marijuana at a party and later found out that it was spiked with fentanyl. After they found out that it was spiked with fentanyl they said they would stop. They later came around and had another dose unknowingly. Most fentanyl addictions start in the college years. College years - unknown addcition. Most of the people who do try a dose of fentanyl often chase the "high" that they got from it, which is what leads them back.

Fentanyl is a scary drug. All drugs are scary drugs. I think that no one should take their chances with any drug, because it would be infused with fentanyl. No matter if your drug is infused with fentanyl or not, all drugs have bad side effects. In the U.S. almost 100,000 people died THIS YEAR from a fentanyl overdose. Often times Fentanyl can follow you not only to your grave but your childrens grade. Next time you think about "smoking weed" at a party double think about the real addictions it can lead to.










Did the number of deaths and addictions surprise you?

What other causes of fentanyl addictions do you know?

Do you believe that the post common starting addictions start in college?

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  • No because there are a lot of people my age whitch means that their could be a lot of elderly people that could perish at any time and there are a lot of car crashes, pandemicts, ect. I don't know anymore but I would like to learn more about it. I think that a lot of people could start or get peer preshered into it.

    • I agree a lot of people my age have other addictions that could lead to many different things. I think that some of the old people who died could have died because of old age and got an autopsy and figured that that they had fentanyl use.

  • The number of deaths and addictions did not surprise me, a lot of people give into peer pressure and get addictive very easily. I do not know of any other cause of fentanyl addicitions. College would be a very easy place to get an addiction with all the parties. 

    • I agree the numbers did not really surprise me.  I also agree that pure pressure can be a large cause of multipule addictions. I agree that college is a easy place to grow an addiciton because of all the partys at the campus.

  • I don't think that the numbers suprised me they just made me sad. I think its so sad that so many people have done and been killed by fetanyl. All these people didnt deserve to died, they jsut made a dumb descicoon and it lead ot their death. I think that drugs are becoming way to popular and we need to do something to stop the spread of fetanyl. 

    • I agree with you actually seeing the numbers is really sad if you put it to perspective. It is sasd seeing how many people really died from fentanyl. I think that a lot of dumb decisions can lead to dealth and we all need to be careful.

  • Yea the numbers are crazy it shouldnt even be a thing to be honest. i dont really know but wanting something better or stronger could cause it to be used. No i think if you are focused in school and other activities you would think about using it

    • I agree with you I do not think that fentanyl should have ever been created. I agree with you about you never wanting to do it if you are focused, but addictions can happen on accident aswell. Such as second hand smoke.

  • The number of deaths and addictions to fentanyl did not suprise me because it is well known how dangerous and addictive fentanyl can be for people. I think it is very common for addictions to start in college, however they can easily start anywhere.

    • I agree with you the dealths and addictions did not really surprise me because of how easy it is to get addicted to something like this. I also agree with you when you say that addictions can start anywhere in life.

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