History of April Fools Day


April fools day is a tradition celebrated or practiced every year on April first. It is a day full of tricks or jokes typically followed by the words “April Fools!” April Fools day has been around for centuries and is celebrated by many different cultures. Its true origin can be considered a mystery. There are only theories about how Aprils Fools truly came to be.


Some historians date April Fools Day back to 1582. This was when France switched from the Julian calendar to the Georgian calendar.  In the Julian calendar the new year began around April 1st. The Georgian calendar started the new year in January. Many people didn’t acknowledge the change to January and continued to celebrate it in April. It became a widespread joke, people would make paper fish and place them on their backs meaning , “poisson d’avril,” or april fish. It was meant to mean an easily caught fish or a gullible person.

Do you like April Fools Day?

Have you ever done a prank on someone for April Fools Day? If so, what was it?

Did you know the history of April Fools Day?

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  • i dont think april fools day is really a thing that much most people dont really do it. i did not know the history on aprial fools thought it was just an amarican thing. 

  • I think that April Fools day is okay. It isn't my favorite holiday, however it can be fun. When I was younger I used to try and prank people, but no one really does that anymore. I didn't know the history of April Fools day before this post. 

  • I guess it just depends if you are doing the fooling or you are getrting fooled. I can't say I have fooled anyone but I probably have just can't remember. I did not know the history of April Fools day.

  • I like that April Fools Day is a day where you can joke with someone and they won't take it so literally. I don't really do pranks with people. I did not know about the history of April Fools Day.

  • I like the concept of April Fools Day and how multiple companies can thrive from it. I've only pranked someone once before, and that was my sister. I didn't know the history of April Fools before reading this and I found it very fascinating that it has been around for many centuries.

  • I do and dont like April Fools Day. I like pranking, just not being pranked. I have done multiple pranks on people, one of those being my mom and it didnt go to well for me. I had no clue about the history of April Fools Day, just that we celebrate it yearly.

    • I agree, I don't like being pranked.

  • I don't care much about april fools day I think its funny though and i've only done one prank on my dad where I put a fake snake in my dads bed and I thought it was pretty funny. I didn't know about the history of april fools before this. 

  • I like april fools day and pranking people. I like to put things in peoples shoes or puting things in the most common places and other things. I did not know the history of april fools

  • I like April Fools Day and I like the fake products that companies come out with. I also think pranks are funny, but not all of them, and I don't like when they go too far. I have not done many pranks on April Fools Day, and I did not know the history of the day.

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