Eating Healthy Gone Wrong?

A recall was announced on Friday for all Dole salads made in Springfield, Illinois by the U.S. Drug and Food Administration. The salad has been tested, and the labs showed that listeria is what is getting people sick. There has been one death and 11 hospitalized after eating the packaged salads. The listeria outbreak has been through out many states. Listeria is a serious infection can cause temporary problems such as a high fever, abdominal pain, and diarrhea. It is dangerous for those with a weak immune system. Dole is pulling all packaged salads off the shelves and has stopped the production in the Springfield facility. All dole packages with an "A" at the beginning of the manufacturing code should be thrown away. 

I think this is very scary, and I will definitely watch where my salad comes from. I also think that food facilities should make sure that there is safe and clean handling when it comes with handling food that can get these kinds of diseases.  

For more of the story click here.

What would you do if you were in charge of the Springfield facility?

How can Dole make sure that everything is safe?

After the outbreak, would you buy their lettuce again?

Overall thoughts? 

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  • Great job Claire!

  • If i was in charge i would make sure they test the lettuce to make sure its safe to eat which is what dole should be doing yes i would buy the lettuce again as im sure they would be even more cautious with there salads from now on.

  • I would do all I can do - offer my condolences to the families of those who were affected, shut down the facility temporarily, and start working on improving the safety of my food. Dole should re-train their staff in proper food handling and make sure to regulate where their vegetables come from, and how long they take to get there - maybe the problem lies in where the food came from or how it was transported, not the factory. Lastly, I would honestly probably still eat their food. I'm sure there isn't a food company that hasn't had a problem like this before, and we all still eat those foods.

    • I agree with you, offering your condolences could make dole stick out more. I also agree with you because this could happen to any food product.

  • Find out where the problem started and make sure it won''t happen again. They can just make sure they trust their sources of salad and then just process it cleanly and remain diligent about food quality. I would buy it again, because everyone makes mistakes eventually, and I'm sure they will learn from it.

  • Thinking about it makes me already sick! I think it's horrible that it seems so easy to infect so much food and people at the same time. I hope that everyone who bought the salads are aware of it and do the right thing with it - throw it away. Giving it to people with a weak immune system like children or old people can cause death wich is super scary in my opinion.

  • I would get rid of all the salads that were sent out to stores, and I would get it back up and running safely. I would then have a sale of some sort. They can start inspecting it better and keeping control of where they store the products. No, I don't even eat lettuce lol. 

    • I think a sale is a good idea because it will attract people to try their lettuce again.

  • Recalling everything and stopping production was the right move, and they should definitely figure out what happened with the food and fix it. I'm sure the FDA is looking into that as well. I wouldn't trust a company like that even after they said the problem was fixed, because it seems like they weren't cleaning or doing something enough in the first place.

  • If I were in charge of the Springfield facility I would pretty much do what they did. I would first find which item was the one that caused these illnesses and then take them off of the shelves.I think that dole could make sure they are safe by first testing their own products. Then maybe testing it a few more times just to keep this all from happening. They could start watching to make sure that cleaning is done more seriously. This is a really dangerous thing because the company can be sued. Then they could be ripped off a lot of money. 

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