Did Helen Keller really fly a plane?

Helen Keller is a historical figure who was found to be blind and deaf at a young age. As she grew up, she learned to cope with her disabilities, and eventually recieved her doctorate, wrote six books, and some say she flew a plane. Some people however, think that it's all just a hoax. 

Helen Keller was born on June 27, 1880, and when she was just over a year old, she was sick with Scarlet fever which left her blind and deaf. The doctor that diagnosed her also sent her a teacher named Anne Sullivan to teach her how to speak and understand what people say. Anne stayed with her for the rest of Helen's life. Helen learned how to read braile and to understand people tracing letters on her hands. Eventually, she learned how to "lip read" by putting her fingers on people lips while they spoke to her and a hand on their throats to feel them talk. 

In 1904, she graduated from Radcliff college and was the first deafblindness to earn a degree with a bachelor's degree of arts. When she was 23 years old, she wrote her first book. It was about being blind, which was not very common for people to learn about back then. After that, she went on to write five more books about her faith and the stories of her life. In June of 1946, Helen flew an airplane from Rome to Paris over the Mediterranian Sea for twenty minutes. This was very unsual becuase not only was she blind and deaf, but women rarely used airplanes to travel, much less to fly them. She had only ever ridden as a passenger once in her life, but still had the courage to get in the cockpit and fly the plane. 

I personally think that Helen Keller was real becuase there are pictures and eye witnesses to confirm what has been said. I think it is very unusual for a blind and deaf person to achieve all of the acomplishments Helen Keller did, but not impossible. Some people also have conspiracies that she was never real, because there is no way any of these things could happen back then. 




Do you think Helen Keller was real?

Do you think she really did all these things?

What would you do if you were blind and deaf? Would you strive as much as Helen Keller?

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    • I agree, there is so much information to prove that she is real, and that she may not have really done all the things that people have claimed she did. 

  • I think Helen Keller was real, I think it's possible for a person to be deaf and blind. But I definitely don't believe that she was able to do what she said she accomplished. If I were to be blind and deaf, I wouldn't be able to thrive and do as much as Helen Keller did.

  • I think she might have been real, but she didn't fly a plane or write any books. I think that it would be impossible for someone who is blind and deaf to write books or fly a plane. I don't think I would be able to strive if I was blind and deaf.

    • I agree with you, I think she was real. I disagree though that it would be impossible for someone blind and deaf to do those things. I think back then it was probably not possible, but today I think with our technology and advances in medicine, she could do this. 

  • Helen keller was real. Yes. No i would not strive like she did, (cocks gun)

  • I do not think that Helen Keller was real. I do not think that the things she did were real because there is no way that she would have been able to fly a plane when she couldn't hear or see. I don't think I would do anything because I could not see or hear anything. 

  • Absolutly not. There is definetly a person like her that existed before. But all of the things that she did. There should be no way for her to write a book. There should be no way that she can fly a plane. These things take time to learn even for a fully capible person. Unless Hellen Keller was a Jedi, I do not beleive she exists. 

  • I do not think Helen Keller was real, and if she was, I think people are lying about all the things she has done. It takes years of training to become a pilot, so it's hard to believe that she flew a plane without her sight or hearing. They also say she wrote a book, with seems impossible because she can't read or write.

    • I disagree, I think she was real, but I do agree, that it is very unlikely she actually did what some people have said she did. 

  • I don't really understand how it could even be possible for a person who can't see or anything at all. I guess nothing impossible but I personally don't think she could have been able to take off and land that plane all on her own.

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