Delta Flew 120 Girls to NASA

Last week Delta flew 120 girls to NASA headquarters in Houston, Texas. The age of the girls ranged from 12-18 and they came from area STEM schools. Delta flew the girls to NASA for International Girls in Aviation day. This day celebrates young women interested in flying and/ or designing an aircraft. The plane that the girls took had all female flight attendants and a female pilot. According to Delta, “5% of its pilots are women and that 7.4% hired over the last four years are women.” At NASA the students got to see NASA’s Mission Control and they got to eat lunch with astronauts and aerospace engineers. To read the whole story click here.


How would you benefit from an opportunity like this?

 I don't think I would benefit thaat much because I'm not very inerested in anything that deals with aviation, but I would still get to learn new things.

Have you ever heard of “International Girls in Aviation day” before?

If yes, when/how? 

If not, how can NASA and other companies make it more known?

 I have heard of it, only because I have a calender app that tells me what holidays or special days are happening that day.

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  • Well done Maci!

  • I think if you did the job it would look good on your appilication.  I have not heard of it and if they wanted to make it more known they could show ads off.  

    • I agree, that opportunity would look great on an application, especially if it were for a pilot job or something like that. Showing ads would also be very helpful because so many people watch tv. 

  •  I think that it could definitely benefit a lot of people if they’re thinking to go into any job that deals with anything like this or it could even make him want to go work for NASA or some field like that. Also I think they could make this day more known by doing more things like this and inviting more people to it. 

    • I agree if your looking into that kind of career then going on this trip would definitly be benifishial I agree doing it more often would probelly draw people in

  • I probably wouldn't benefit much from an experience like that because I'm also not interested in aviation but I think girls that are wanting to go into that career field or even considering it would benefit a lot and maybe inspire them and give them more motivation for what they want their future job to be. I've never heard of that day before so maybe they could advertise it more online. 

    • I agree, there are so many resources that they can use like TV, social media, magazines, ads, and they just aren't. I feel like it's just so new that they haven't gotten around to doing it yet. 

  • I think that this program would be very interesting, especially because I am interested in space exploration, just not as a career. I would probably prefer not to go, however, so someone who wants to pursue a career in aviation can go instead. I have never heard of this program, but I think it is important. I think NASA could send information to schools for students to apply for this opportunity.

    • i agree, this would of been an amazing expercience since I am interested in this stuff too and not to mention it was free for the girls. That is a steal of a deal. NASA is a huge company, so i dont think they would struggle to promote this at all. But I think they should open it to boys also.

  • I believe I would benefit somewhat in a way because aviation is pretty interesting and I don't really know what I want to do yet so this could benefit me with my career options. I have not heard of it before, I think they should broadcast it more and bring more attention from the public to it so that people may know what it is. 

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