Crazy Meteor Caught on Camera!

On Sunday night, people from Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas and Colorado all saw and heard a huge meteor. The meteor caused a sonic boom (Which less than one percent do) and flashed in the night sky. Reports said that the flash was so bright you could see everything like it was daytime for a short second. A dash cam of a police unit caught the rare act in action. Sadly, there is no audio. 

How would you react if you saw this driving down the road? 

Do you enjoy see meteors or do they scare you? 

I think meteors are very interesting. I would have been in awe if I saw one this big. So I do enjoy see meteors. The only time I wouldn't is if it was so big that it was going to destroy the earth....

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  • I would be amazed and probably try to take the rare scene in. I love seeing meteors and think that they are very cool. meteors don't scare me because it is very rare to die from them. 

  • I would probably just stop and watch it. I would enjoy seeing a meteor.

  • I would probably be like what the heck is that thing. I enjoy seeing meteors as long as they ain't gonna hit me. 

    • I agree, I mean it would be cool to see the meteor but I would definitely be worried at the first sight.

  • I would be scared because I wouldn't know what happened. I would enjoy seeing a meteor like that happen.

  • That sounds amazing. I think it would be really cool to see a meteor. I would probably pull over and stop to watch it and see what will happen. 

    • I agree that seeing a meteor would be really cool and would probably also pull over to enjoy the rare occasion.

  • If I saw this meteor coming down first off I would try to find a safe place to stand and watch, second of all I would probably get a camera and take tons of pictures. I think that meteors are very pretty and special to watch across the sky.

  • Woah that is so neat. If I were to see this happen I would probably freak out. Well if a meteor were to fly by the earth like yeah it would be pretty sweet but like what if it hit the earth and we all died like that would suck hardcore. SO yeah a little bit of both.

  • i would flip out. yes i do enjoy them because they are pretty.  

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