Cell Phones Getting Banned?

The Vermont Senator, John Rodgers, introduced a ban on cell phones for people under the age of 21. It says that cell phones have threatening consequences. There is online bullying. Mass school shooters use cell phones to research other school shootings. People contact extremists and recruit terrorists.

John wants the bill to be justified because “the general assembly has concluded that persons under 21 years of age are not mature enough to possess firearms, smoke cigarettes or consume alcohol.”

Anyone under the age of 21 found with a cell phone that is banned would face up to a year in prison and $1,000 fine.

Rodgers doesn’t think the bill will pass. He even said he would probably not vote for it himself. He is just trying to make a point about cell phone use.

I don’t think this bill is fair because I don’t see how such a small device can be illegal. I don’t think this bill will ever pass because there are too many voters that are 18 that will not want that. I would have to make changes like talking to my friends in school instead of over the phone. I wouldn’t be able to contact my family very well. 


Article is found at: https://www.foxnews.com/us/vermont-cell-phones-bill-ban-under-21


How would this bill affect you, and what changes would you have to make if this bill passed?


Is this bill fair?


Do you think this bill would really pass? Why or why not?

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  • Good story choice and well done Dylan! Be sure to reply back on three different days next time.

  • If this bill is passed, it would affect me alot. I use my phone to call and text relatives and just to be on social media and games. If they ban cell phones, people would still find out about mass shootings because of the news and most people have computers and tablets, and could research it from those sources. This bill won't pass, because, lke you said, even Rodgers dosen't believe this bill will pass.  

  • The bill would disable me from being able to use maps to find around and keep in contact with my family and friends, if it was me I just wouldn't even have the bill. This bill would affect a lot because many people use phones to find their way around to talk to people and get the news from so getting rid of them would make a lot of people not be able to do things that use phones to use so I don't think that it will pass

  • Cell phones are basically becoming a need in the modern days. Almost everyone has a cell phone, and almost everyone uses one for work, emergencys, ect. even if you are under 21. Even though the bill was brought up, I think there is absolutely no chance of it passing.  

  • in the first place this bill would never pass in the first place. Like how are you going to know if your kid is okay and how will you know where your kid is at. And im sure parents would dissagree with that bill for this exact reason that they wont know where there kid are at, they wont know what they would be home if they are at there friends house.

    • i agree that it would make it a little difficult. are parents generation didnt have phones adn they made it work, so i dont agree that id be impossible.

  • I don't think this bill would ever pass because parents woould not vote for it because they like being able to contact their kids and people who are 18-20 can vote and they would not be able to hav ea phone with this law. Also, if someone wants to bully someone, they will do it with or without a phone.

    • i agree very so because the bill wouldnt pass due to parents and the familys over sea. The biggest thing would be communication, or needed to call 911 or even if the school had a lock down how would the community communicate, and jobs, ect.

  • An incredibly small percent of cell phone use is malicious; They are devices for entertainment, learning, communication, and safey. Persons with malintent will find a way to harm others no matter what resources they are given. The bill is extremely one-sided and would be nearly impossible to pass. Senator Rodgers only considered the angle that phones cause harm and did not weigh it against the positivity of the accessablity they provide us.

  • If this bill passed it will be terrible because I use my phone a lot. I use it for social media, but more importantly, I use it to get in contact with family. No, I don't think it is because almost everyone has a phone right now. Also, in Vermont, there is no age to own a shotgun or rifle, but 16 or older for a handgun. I don't think this will pass because so many people rely on their cells, and there would be a huge outrage.

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