Biden's environmental plan

Biden's goal is to make the U.S’s net goal of greenhouse gasses zero by 2050. Now this does seem reasonable but its not as simple as flipping a switch, there's no gas to use to bring in windmills or solar panels to decrease greenhouse gasses. Something that Trump did was try and drill for gas and oil in Alaska but when Biden came in those plans got demolished. We still have a lot of oil from what we did drill but Biden will not use that and thinks we can just switch to eco-friendly things in one day.


I feel like Biden is in over his head with these plans especially with the war in Ukraine. Just because he's president you can't always make everything happen. Its one thing to reduce greenhouse gasses, its another to get rid of all production of it in general. This plan is one of the reasons people do not like Biden, he does not listen to the people and just thinks he himself can make all the decisions and they will always happen. Lastly, Biden will not even be in power so unless another president of his party gets elected this plan will most likely crumble to the ground.


Do you think Biden will push for this plan to come true?

What do you think will happen after his run is over?

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  • Great topic choice +5! Be sure to expand a bit more in your summary. Also be sure to reply more frequenlty to student comments.

  • I think that Biden only did this for his own benefit to make his approval ratings go up since they have not been very good since he has started his presidency. I think when his run is over he will be done with being president and won't be reelected even if he tries to run again.

  • I think that Bidens expectation are a bit high. I think that he uses his power to try and get people to feel better towards him. I think he is trying to please his party and he may be able to help a little but I do not think that he will be able to fully do what he is promising.

  • I think that BIden said that so people liked him more. I do not think he is gonna do much to try to reduce the problem. I think that in the future maybe another president could make it happen.  I just do not think Biden will limit greenhouse gasses by 2050.

  • I feel that he will do his best to make this plan as realistic as possible. There is no way it's going to take place how he wants it to. I feel that all-electric cars won't be realistic because of some people absolutely loath electric cars. Electric cars also aren't as good for the environment as we think. I feel like when his run is over he won't leave much of an impact. 

  • I think he's going to push this plan as much as he can, but there's no way it's possible to just use electricity for one night. I think trams are great and pretty fast, but they're hard to afford. Until electric vehicles become affordable, there's no way we're going to go electric like this. I think Biden won't serve a second term because he has done a terrible job as president so far.
  • I think President Biden's plan is very ambitious, because it would mean we would have to basically backpedal in technological advancements. If we were to try and cut all greenhouse gasses, we would have to revert back to steam power, manual labor for EVERYTHING, and shut down the usages of oil-based vehicles. The idea is very big, but I would like to see how it pans out.

  • I don't think that biden will be able to get his plan to work because of how old he is and almost everyone hates him already as a president. I think that we won't go to electric cars fully until 2060 or longer because how long it will take to get rid of all of the other types of veichles.

  • I think that he will push for the plan but nothing will happen. There is only so much that can be done about climate change, and there is already so much that is being done. After his run is over, I think the plan will die off compleatly.

  • I don't think it will come true, only because he has so many other things going on with the country at this moment. I know that the cattle industry has made a pact to be carbon neutral by 2050. I think that will help Biden with his plans with the whole country.

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