The basketball legend, Shaquille O'Neal, donates his own home to a family whose son was paraylzed by a stray bullet. Shaq pays a year's rent to give this family hope for what they weren't expecting. On August 17, 2019, a 12-year-old boy, named Isaiah Payton, was leaving a football game at Lakewood Stadium. Him and a friend were both shot abruptly by a 15-year-old boy. Isaiah was shot in the spine, his friend was shot in the leg, and soon was released from the hospital. Isaiah's mother, Allison Wood, has hopes of her son walking again in the future. She says, "I believe in miracles, and God -- He is a powerful man." Knowing Shaq, he is a father of five. Hearing this story of a mother with two sons and living in a one-bedroom apartment, broke his heart. Shaq stated, " I was watching the story and it was just sad. It could've been any one of us. It could've been my son... it could've been your cousin." He also said, "She was living in a one-bedroom apartment with her two boys, so we found her a house in College Park in a nice area." Not only was Shaq O'Neal part of the help, but Papa John's CEO Rob Lynch, chairman Jeff Smith, and the City of Atlanta Fire Department also donate to help the family and provide financial assistance. According to WXIA, an arrest was made on Wednesday, whom a 15-year-old was charged with aggravated assault. 

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1. How would you help a family who was in need like the Payton family?

I would donate money to help them with bills and anything else medical. It would give the family an extra boost to get them on the right track for what they need to do. I would also help them by assisting. It'll give the parents another set of eyes incase anything goes wrong. 

2. If you were in Isaiah's shoes, how would you process the change?

I know that I would be struggling a lot, especially knowing I was paralyzed from the chest down. It would be very different for me and I wouldn't know how I could get around. I know I would have to get used to the change and know that what's happening at that point in time, to embrace what I have and be grateful that I was alive at that point.

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  • Great story choice and super job Rebekah!

  • If it was me I would try and rasie money for the family that is in need and even use my own money to buy the items that they are struggiling to buy. I would try to except in and relize that I will never walk again.

    • I agree. Raising money would be the biggest thing that would be able to help the family out with what they are stuggling to keep in their possession. I also agree with you on trying to accept the problem. It would be very difficult to process, because you have to adjust to everything and get used to how different it is.

  • If I was Isaiah I would be very overwhelmed and it would take me a while to process what was actually happening. I would feel very happy and blessed to recieve a nicer new home that was being mostly payed for my an awesome basketball player.

    • I agree with you. If this happened to me, I wouldn't really know what to do. I would be very flustered with what was going on. I also agree with how you feel. If something like this happened, and you were still alive. That would make me more grateful for what I have in life, even if it is completely different from before.

  • I would donate money, and help them move into their new house. If I was shot and paralyzed I would be in a dark place. I wouldn't know what i'd want to do with myself. I would have to adjust and get used to my new world and everything in it. 

    • I agree. A situation like this really takes time to get used to and it can really effect someone, especially if when they don't see what's coming. I also agree with you on being in a dark place. Something like this can cause many problems for the person who was affected and they wonder why it happened to them, but it's very important to understand that you'll get through the situation.

  • I would donate some money to help them with the medical bills. If something like that happened to me I would struggle a lot with it becasue I love ot play sports and I know that if that happened to me I would likely never play sports again. However, I would be grateful to still be alive.

    • I agree. I think money really helps a lot of problems these days, and really gives people an extra boost for them to get back to where they were, even if they aren't there exactly. I also agree with what you said about struggling with the situation. If you play any sport or are in any activity, life is going to be very different and you won't be able to continue what you love to do.

  • I would definatly donate money to them for thier child or whoever is in need of help. Becuase first it is the right thing to do and second it makes you a better person and it helps the person who is in need of the help.  I would struggle with it, and I would not be as happy. However there are people who live like that and you have to understand that, and live with it.

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