Axe-man attacks a police officer in D.C.

Friday morning around 3 am, a D.C.  police officer was attacked by a man with an axe. He missed by inches. The axe didn't hurt the police officer but when he got out of his car, he chased down and tackled the suspect. He suffered a dislocated shoulder. The police says the suspect what not identified but was African american, about 6 feet tall, and stocky built. In New York, a few weeks earlier, another police office was attacked by a man with a axe. He was caught on camera. He hit one of the police officers in the arm, and another one in the head. The suspect was shot and killed. No police officers were killed. Only in Critical condition. American government says this is an act of terrorism.

What would you do if you were attack by anyone with a weapon?

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  • Again, be sure to hyperlinking to the actual story. I also think your question could be stronger. Your question leads to pretty obvious answers-fight or flight.

  • I would be the same way other I would find a weapon and defend myself, or I would call someone for help or just run as fast as I can.

  • I would try to disarm them and then incapacitate them. If that didn't work I would run like crazy.

  • If I didn't have a weapon I would run fast and hope he doesn't throw the weapon at me.

  • I don't know what i would do but i think a natural reaction would be running

  • There are three basic responses to  conflict: Fight, Flight, and Freeze. Which ever way you respond in depends on the circumstances involved.

  • 1st i would get his weapon away from him then i would go after him and blast double him and take him out.

  • I would try my best to protect myself and would probably fight back because of the instinct, would try and get away, and would try and get help.

  • Try to defend myself the best I can, and get away from them. I'd do whatever I could to survive.

  • I would fight back. I mean yeah I'd be scared but I'm not just going to let them kill me!!

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