An Exchange Year

International students exchange was largely catalyzed by the World Wars. The IIE was formed in 1919. It was formed with the goal of promoting understanding among nations. In 1921 IIE president Stephen Deggan campaigned for the U.s government to give international students no-immigrant visas, an effort that succeeded with the posing of the Emergency Immigration to the U.S, it marked the begging of a long tradition of American student exchange. During World War II, the number of exchange students drastically decreased, but after WWII the exchange year became more popular.

Goals of Exchange year are increasing understanding and tolerance of other cultures and improving foreign language skills. Around 914,000 exchange students from other countries were arrived to the U.S in 2021. Nearly, 1.1 million exchange students come to the U.S every year.

I am an exchange student, and in my opinion it is a great experience in life to live in a different country and receive and education that is completely different from the educational system in my country. Learning different cultures and traditions is a good opportunity.


1. What do you think of exchange year? Would you like to be an exchange student?

2. If yes, in which country would you like to be an exchange student?


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  • Nazima, great topic choice and I appreciate you educationg us about the exchange program. The issue is that you didn't reply to any student comments which is worth 30 points.

  • I would like to be an exchange student because you get to see how learning and schools are different from your country. Also you get to see how they live and what is the differences between yours and that country. It could be bad things and good things, it just depends. 

  • I feel that being an exchange student would be both fun and diffucult. On one hand, you get to go somewhere new, experience different cultures, and an overall better understanding of what it is like living in another country besides the U.S. On the other hand, I feel like it'd be very hard for me to actually become one. I'm involved in many activities here at school that I am very passionate about and wouldn't want to miss out on. If I didn't have those things holding me back, then I'd like to go to France where I can practice my French and become better at it. 

  • Being a foreign exchange student in another country (granted I meet all the requirements such as language and culture) would be a great way to go new places and learn from different parts of the world. However, I am not a big fan of having to leave my family behind, whom I love dearly and would not like to be taken away from them. This is a big roadblock which keeps me from going to study abroad. I also have plenty of opprotunities here in the states where my academics will be fully represented.

  • I think this is a great oppurtunity to explore different oppurtunities and cultures while maintaining a solid education. I would like to be one it would be cool and fun. I think I would want to be an exchange student somewhere in england very popular with soccer.

  • I think being an exchange student could be a fun opportunity to make new friends and experiance a lot of new things but personally I don't think I could be a exchange student. I would miss my family, friends, and pets and would probably get home sick. 

  • No I dont think I could ever be a exchange student. Why would you ever want to leave America. And the worst part is you leave everything behind your family,pets,jobs. And a lot of things can happen in a year and you dont want to miss out on.

  • no I would not like to be an exchage student because I could not stand being in a diffrent country for so long it would be terrifieing to go somewhere with diffrent laws and such honestly I would not even want to learn a diffrent languege so tha is the reason why I would never like to go be an exchange student

  • Personlaly I think its cool if you are an exchange student but I personaly wouldnt be one myself.

  • I think the student exchange is a great thing it lets people see how other people live and what they do for fun. It also helps with learning many different think and many different way so learn things. An exchange year seems like a really fun and learning experience. I think if I had to be exchanged to a country I would want to go to Africa, It just seems so different then how I live right now.

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