A New Virus?

Last Friday, a man in Bourbon county, Kansas died of a heart attack after feeling very ill the previous 11 days. Before the mans death, doctors found that the man had been bitten by multiple ticks, and had developed a new virus that no one has ever seen before. All blood test had come back negative to the doctors at the University of Kansas Medical Hospital, so when they sent a sample of blood to the CDC, they realized that this was a new virus. The CDC released on their website that this virus is a very rare case, and has never been seen inside the United States. Although deadly, this virus is very rare and may not happen again.

How would you react if you found out you had a new disease?

do you think there will be an outbreak? why?

to read the full story click here

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  • Well done!

  • The CDC hasn't come up with a cure to the virus yet, considering that their only subject is dead, and it can take months for a vaccine to found.

  • there could be an outbreak if the multiple ticks infected him there's a good chance more ticks would have the disease.Id wonder if was going to die because docters may not have a treatment or medicine for it yet.

  • I personally don't think that this case will cause an outbreak. Ticks cause many different virus that are already known of like lime disease. I think this man was just a rare case, and was bitten to many times by to many ticks carrying too many diseases.

  • I would most likely start crying like a little girl. You never know what the outcome will be. It may or may not be an epedimic.

  • I think this virus is something that we may see more often. I think that they should look more into this virus to see if there is more connected to it. It is sad that it had to happen, and he was sick for 11 days that is a long time.

  • I would be afraid, because I assume there aren't many or no medicament against this new and rare disease. I guess there won't be a big outbreak, because the doctors didn't alarm everybody or something. If it would threaten us they would be alarm us.  

  • I would be very frightened if I found out I had a new virus. I don't think there will be a big outbreak because they said it was very rare and it may not happen again. 

  • If I found out I had a new disease I would freak out cause they probably wouldnt know how to cure it and I wouldnt survive. I feel like because this is a rare virus that they chances of there being an outbreak are very slim. 

  • Not a whole lot is known about the virus. The matter might just be that the patient was bitten to many times, and was too far gone for the doctors to do anything by the time they figured out what was going on.

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