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August 21, 2009.

In CWI today Mr. Bruns showed us how to add pictures and videos to a blog post. It helped me a lot because I was confused on how to do that part of the blogs. Another thing we learned was how to use italics, bold, underline, and strikethrough. Mr. Br
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Yesterday in class Mr. Bruns just went over some more basic things and showed us some more things on this site. We took a oral test over the continents and oceans. Other than that we didnt do too much. He showed us how to upload pictures and videos,
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friday 8-21-09 class summary

today we didnt do much either we talked a little bit more about the blogs we have to do every week and the oral tests were going to start studying for next week. we talked about the topics of our big blogs so we could we could remember what we had to
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Friday 8-21-09

Today, August 21, 2009, we learned some more rules such as not to curse or plagiarize. He explained that if you decided to plagiarize that it has serious consequences, which can be found in the school handbook. Mr. Bruns discussed that this year the
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Friday, August 21

Today in CWI, we began class by going over rules and class expectations. We also learned consequences if we say "bad" words. I learned how to hyperlink information and make sure it doesnt look by a whole bunch of jibberish by making the hyperlink say
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Friday, August 21st

Today in Mr. Bruns' class, we took our first test of the year in his class. It was over the continents and oceans and almost everyone got 100%. He also explained to us what we would have to do for our quarterly and semester tests.We went over the rul
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8/21 Third Summarization Blog Post

Today in Mr. Bruns class we took the oceans and continents test. We were the first class to make the record for everyone to get one hundred percent on it. Mr. Bruns went over his website again, and answered everyone’s questions about it. I now unders
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My summer.

My summer was pretty much me and my friends at the pool(Avoca), walkin around town, and stayin at each other's houses. No vacations or anything, well we were supposed to go to a reunion in South Carolina, but my sister had some important track thing
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Friday, August 21, 2009

Today in CWI, we finished talking about Mr. Bruns' website and what we are supposed to do. That really helped. Again. I'm glad he went over the weekly blog assignments. I didn't know we were supposed to do two major summer stories.We also took the co
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Friday, Aug. 21

Today in US History we talked about the website again, and everyone got their questions answered. We talked about what we are supposed to write for our 8th grade history report which is our first blog assignment. Mr. Bruns also talked about what he d
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8/21/09 8th grade posts

We originally started out with just the thirteen colonies. Then Spanish Florida didnt have enough money or soldiers to keep the balance. Then we envade florida and took over the colony by a treaty with spain. Next we bought all of the middle united s
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Colonization of the Americas in the 16th Century

In the 16th century, soon after Columbus discovered the Americas, the Spaniards began to colonize the West Indies. A few years later the four larger islands were completely taken over by Spaniards who dominated the natives and reduced the remaining n
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Summer News Story #1

Back in the very beginning of our summer, tragic news occurred. An Air France plane from Rio de Janeiro, going to Paris, went down somewhere over the Atlantic Ocean. Every single person on board died, including the pilot and flight attendants - a tot
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Friday, August 21, 2009

Today in U.S. History we learned the rules of Mr. Bruns classroom. Some of them are respect everyone and don't cheat. We learned that tests would be taken as an individual and orally. We also learned what to write about in our blogs. I have the Washi
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8/20/09 what I learned

Today we learned about what blogs we had to do. We also got to look through the website to know what we were doing. We have to 12 blogs by sunday at 11:59pm. Right now i have to do 5 more blogs before Im done. I found out that I have to research how
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US History-- Day 3

Today In U.S History, I learned how I should write my blog on Jefferson's Presidency. I learned to add all the little things and what all to say in my blog. I learned, for the second time, how to add pictures and watched Mr. Bruns add two pictures to
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About me

I have 4 people in my family including me. I have an older sister who lives in Californa at the moment. She types super fast, and I don't. My name is Gabrielle Briana Hunk also known as Brie or Hunk-dawwg (Hunk-dog). Yeah thats about it.
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Friday, 8/21/09

I'd have to say that today was pretty much just like yesterday, but I did learn more today. For my up coming sememster my week should consist of five daily reflections one big blog (choice topic) and one assigned big blog (assigned topic). Each of th
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CWI Day 3

Today we took the Continent and Oceans test. Everyone got 100%. I almost ruined it because i forgot, get this, North America!Ya, you heard me right. I remembered everything but North America. Then he told me i skipped past it and i got it right. Then
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8/21/09 what we learned

We went over how to use the website for people who didnt know what they were doing. Then we went back over what we had to resaerch on. Next we went over class rules and extra credit. If you get 50 blogs then you can get 3 extra credit points.
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