Friday 8-21-09

Today, August 21, 2009, we learned some more rules such as not to curse or plagiarize. He explained that if you decided to plagiarize that it has serious consequences, which can be found in the school handbook. Mr. Bruns discussed that this year the class will be done mostly as individuals, and not in groups. He also said that the tests will be done orally about every week. I like the idea of the oral testing because there is ultimately no way to cheat. Once again he showed us some ways to use our blog, such as adding pictures, videos, and hyper linking in different ways.For the first time today Mr. Bruns discussed how we can get extra credit in his U.S. History class. One way is to do 50 message board posts, which is worth three points. The other way is to do a video story or interview. The video can be worth up to 15 points. The final way to get extra credit is to do a video documentary. A video documentary can get you the most extra credit points because it is up to 25 points if it is done well.
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