Year long school?

If you bring up year round schools most students and teachers would be all against you. But some  people think that having school year round would be a good thing to do in the United States. People think that we need to greatly improve our education system and think that year round schools are the way to go. There are many things, good and bad, about this idea and that is what I’ll talk about in this post.


How it would work would be kids would have school for 9-10 weeks at a time and then would have like a 2-4 week vacation type break. I think if they did this they could implement a system where if a student is failing then they would have to come to school until they get their grades up before they get their break. This could be a great way to motivate students to get their grades up and keep them there until they leave for the break. 


There is a lot of good that could come from year round school but there is also a lot of not as good. To start with good things, there would be a lot more students that would learn more than they would and they wouldn’t have a 3 month summer vacation to forget everything they learned in school that year. Kids would also be able to learn a lot more in the span of the weeks they are in school knowing that they would be rewarded a 2-4 week vacation at the end of the stretch.


Some bad things would be that some kids would get sick of going to school in that 9 week span and would be intrigued to skip quite a bit of school and that would not be a good thing. Another bad thing would be that people would hear year long school and immediately say no so it would be a difficult thing to get approved, but I think it could be good if it did. 


I think this would be a very good thing to do especially if we get a 2-4 week vacation every 9 weeks. I feel like this would be a lot better school system than what is being used right now. One downside would be having to randomly change your schedule eventually after 2 or 3 of the 9 week spurts. 


Do you think this would be a good idea?                    Would this benefit you? And how?

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  • Great topic choice and well done overall. I would have liked to have seen what research says about year round school and it's positive and negative impact on students. Posted one day late.

  • I think that this is a good idea, so that students don't loose things that they learned over summer break. On the other hand, I think that it would be hard to come back after a 2-4 week break. Also summer break is a good thing because students have something to look forward to all school year. 

    • These are all very good points and I agree with most of them. I personally think that it could be a good thing both ways because people do forget a lot of things over summer break and this would fix that.

  • I also think that kids would be more tempted to skip school becuase they dont have a big break to look forward to. I think that the kids would get use to it eventully and have 2-3 week breaks every 9 weeks would also be something that kids could look forward to. 

  • I think that this would have pros and cons to it depending on the kid. I would not like this becuase in the summer you get a long break from school and time to yourself. I feel like if we had year round school kids would get so bored of school very fast. But in other ways some kids would feel benefitted by it. 

  • This would not benefit me because during the summer I use my time to work, and take time for myself. It is time used to stop stressing, and to enjoy time without homework and time outside of school. I think that the system we have now works well, and students don't mind the way things are.

  • I don't think year long school would be a good idea because summer break is a time when kids get to relax, work, spend time with family, and engage with friends. I think if school was year round students stress levels would always be high, I think they would loose motivation to their work more quickly.

  • I do not think this would benifit our school systems. I feel like kids would get sick of it so fast. Atleast with this system we have some breaks. I feel like kids enjoy there summer a lot and taking that away from them would not be good. 

    • This is a good point because most kids just want to be by themselves and have time in their own hands in the summer.

  • I think year long school is a bad idea. Students need a summer break to relax, spend time with family, and do activities like sports or jobs. If school was all year, it could make kids more stressed and tired. Also, having a break helps students come back refreshed and ready to learn. Even if it might help remembering lessons better. I don't think it's worth losing summer vacation. I know I would get burned out and I work during the summer, so I don't think year long school would be a good idea.

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