What really happened to Jeffery Epstein?

On July 6th, 2019, billionaire and financier Jeffery Epstein was arrested in New Jersey following a trip to Paris. On July 8 Epstein appeared in court where he was charged with sex trafficking and conspiracy to commit sex trafficking of women and girls as young as 14 years old. Epstein and his partner Glayine Maxwell had been getting away with this for little over 20 years at this point. Most of these women were trafficked to other wealthy and powerful clients aboard his private "Lolita Express"  jet and flown to his "Little Saint James" island in the U.S virgin islands. The list of people who boarded this plane is speculated to include lots of famous/wealthy people such as Donald Trump, Bill Clinton, Prince Andrew, ect. but no official list has yet to surface. It's no speculation though, that Epstein rubbed shoulders with the richest of the rich. Amassing assets worth over $600 million dollars, which makes you wonder how exactly did he make all this money? Various whistleblowers have come out and said that Epstein would blackmail people with power and influence by recording them in compromising positions with the underaged girls he sex trafficked in exchange for large amounts of money. Making your money by keeping dirty secrets never lasts long. On August 10, 2019, prison guards found Epstein hanging dead in his cell. The circumstances surrounding Epstein's death are shrouded in mystery and speculation. 


This is the part where I have to start throwing around the word "Conspiracy" or I might get in trouble. Many people believe Epstein didn't kill himself, but in fact was killed to protect the people he had dirt on. Before they found Epstein dead, he was placed on suicide watch, which is the most strict and supervised position you can be at in at jail, especially at the federal level. So lets say the Guards failed at their job and didn't check on him, at least the prison is heavily surveillanced by cameras so we’ll know if foul play was involved or not. But wait, the cameras around his cell also happened to have a malfunction that morning. This could all be some crazy coincidence but it's kinda fishy once you consider the kind of people he'd be testifying against if he made it to trial. Epstein has evidence that could've taken down a big sector of people in Government, Politics, Show Business, and the Music Industry. The lines of Justice can be skewed when it comes to situations like this to protect certain people, but I wanna know what you think about it.

Pick a question to answer:

Do you think Jeffery Epstein killed himself? Why or why not?

Do you think the Epstein case should be looked back into?

How do you think this situation would have played out if Epstein lived?





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  • Interseting topic and good summary Mason! I do think you could have replied back a few more times. This was posted a day late as well.

  • I dont think that Jeffery Epstien killed himself. I think he may have been forced to kill himself potensially. He had evidence that would ruin lives and it would make sense for someone or the government to be after him for that. So I think someone either forced him to do it or someone killed him themselves.

  • I think that Jeffery Epstein was forced to kill himself because of all of the evidence he had on other people.I think the government had something to do with it too, he probably knew stuff the government didn't want him to know, so I believe someone  made him kill himself.

  • I do not think that Jeffery Epstien killed himselfm I think he was forced to kill himself or someone killed him. I think the government forced him to kill himself, it was weird that alll of that malfunctioning was happening during that time, so I belive he either was forced or someone killed him.

  • I believe that he was either killed or forced to kill himself by someone else. If he had so much evidence that could ruin peoples careers, it seems weird that he would kill himself before getting the chance to talk about it. It could be possible that someone he had evidence against decided to kill him for their protection, and so no one would find out what information he was keeping.

  • in my opinion I truly dont think jeffery epstein killed himself because its funny how olny the camras facing his cell were malfuncturing and all the rest were fine, and how none of the gards that were supose to be garding the cell were no where to be found, so i dont belive that he killed himself 

  • I don't think that he killed himself. If the security is really as good as they say, then when would he have the opportunity? Guards are checking on him and cameras are watching him.  I don't think he would have the opportunity to do it, and lots of people didn't like him. So many people could have done it.

    • Exactly, with all that supervsion there is no way he could even get a chance to kill himself especially on suicide watch. I also agree with the fact that he has a lot of people that don't like him and Epstein did have a lot of dirt on the people he was with, so they probably killed him to protect their secrets.

  • How do you think this sutuation would have played out if Epstein lived? I think that Epstein would most likely leak tons of secrets in order to reduce his punishment. However somebody had him killed so that he couldn't, in order to keep their own secrets safe. 

    • I agree with you on how if he lived he would probably leak everything so he could try to get a better sentence. I also agree that if he was murdered (Most likely) it would definitely keep him from leaking their secrets.

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