The Death Penalty

     What do you think about the Death Penalty? A lot of people could think that the death penalty is a good thing if something happened to their family and the criminal or murderer is on trial. People tend to seek revenge after a terrible tragedy has happened to them. Now let's go over how the death penalty happens, some of the history behind the death penalty, and also the US's thoughts on the death penalty.


     The death penalty officially started in the 18th century BC when King Hammurabi came and made the death penalty for 5 crimes. Murder was not one of those crimes though that people could commit for the penalty. Then we also have the Hittite Code that was made in the 14th Century BC, 7th Century BC the Draconian Code that Athens used which made it so every crime ended in the death penalty.


     Now jump into the present 21 states do still have the death penalty that the Death Penalty Information Center knows. There are 6 states that are still considering that the Death Penalty is legal but they are not doing them for various reasons. Then we have the rest of the US, 23 states in total, don't have the death penalty which includes Iowa in that 23.


     So is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? I don't have a strong way towards either but if someone was affected by a person that is on trial they could be leaning towards a good thing. But killing someone just because they did something to you will not make you feel any better about what has happened. The most people can do at that point is to move on and try and stick through it. 


What do you think about the death penalty?

Should all states include the death penalty or none at all?

Why should people get the death penalty?





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      • I see where your coming from but I dont belive that anyone diservs to die, and most people even If they had the chance to put someone on death row would most likely feel bad because everyone has that good natuer in them.

  • Should all states include the death penalty or none at all? I belive that they should. I do not feel like they should use it all the time but in some casses it is nessery. I feel if they mass murder shotting places up or efecting pepoles life. As long as the goverment dosent use it on pepole that dont deserve it I belive all states should have it.

  • I beileve the death penalty should be reserved for only the most severe offenders. People who sexually abuse or murder women and children shouldn't be granted way for rehabilitation.  These people are beyond help and I am in favor of a law that makes an example out of these individuals. The example being set that you can't get away with just anything you do in society ultimatley keeps people from doing the most heinous acts.

    • I do agree that the death penalty should be only for those that commit the most extreme crimes that they cannot be forgiven for especially when they do really bad things.

  • The death penalty is used for killing people who have done horrible things, personally I don't agree with killing people who have done these things because it won't change anything that has already happened. I believe none of the states should legalize the death penalty because it's not the right way for a person to die, put them in jail for the rest of their lives instead. If a person deserves the death penalty then they should have to have done something terrible that affected many people like mass murdering. 

    • Killing people is wrong but there is also a point to no forgiven. It may not be the best solution but somepeople are not able to change and that point its better to give them the death penalty and hope they have a better life in the next one.

  • In my opinion, the death penalty is a good decision for very bad crimes, or if the person committing them is dangerous and will try to do something similar again. Although, I do agree with the statement that it will not change what has already happened, so there is no point in having the death penalty for smaller crimes. I think that it will help in some more severe cases to prevent it from happening in the future.

    • I agree that is a good decision for people that commit very bad crimes for those people that have lost a love one that they took from them.

  • I think that the death penalty should be availiable as a punishment but should only be used for serious crimes like mass murder or something on a large scale such as: genocide, and kidnappings. But it should not be used for small crimes like tresspassing or other small crimes.

  • What do I think about the death penalty? Personally, In some cases I believe some do deserve the death penalty. But, I also think the death penalty should be removed from all the states because life in prison is equal to the death penalty to me. People who have done cruel or terrifying things to break the law, for example murder are those the people who should get the death penalty.  

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