The Death Penalty

     What do you think about the Death Penalty? A lot of people could think that the death penalty is a good thing if something happened to their family and the criminal or murderer is on trial. People tend to seek revenge after a terrible tragedy has happened to them. Now let's go over how the death penalty happens, some of the history behind the death penalty, and also the US's thoughts on the death penalty.


     The death penalty officially started in the 18th century BC when King Hammurabi came and made the death penalty for 5 crimes. Murder was not one of those crimes though that people could commit for the penalty. Then we also have the Hittite Code that was made in the 14th Century BC, 7th Century BC the Draconian Code that Athens used which made it so every crime ended in the death penalty.


     Now jump into the present 21 states do still have the death penalty that the Death Penalty Information Center knows. There are 6 states that are still considering that the Death Penalty is legal but they are not doing them for various reasons. Then we have the rest of the US, 23 states in total, don't have the death penalty which includes Iowa in that 23.


     So is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? I don't have a strong way towards either but if someone was affected by a person that is on trial they could be leaning towards a good thing. But killing someone just because they did something to you will not make you feel any better about what has happened. The most people can do at that point is to move on and try and stick through it. 


What do you think about the death penalty?

Should all states include the death penalty or none at all?

Why should people get the death penalty?





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    • I agree that it is mainly used for those people that do bad things otherwise the death penalty is not fully necessary for those that commit small crimes.

  • I think the death penalty can be reasonable in some cases where someone has committed a crime that you don't believe should have a chance to get back into civilization. I think all states should have the death penalty in the case of a situation where the death penalty could be used. I believe serial killers and other vilolent crime committers should get the death penalty if they show signs of doing it again or doing other violent crimes.

  • I think that the death penalty should not be legal, even though the person has commited a big crime like murder killing him wouldn't make it any better. He would probably have a harder time spending the rest of his life in prison feeling guilty about what he has done so I think that prison is a better option than the death penalty.

  • I think that the Dealth penalty should be allowed but only for certain obussors of the law. I also bealve all states should carry the dealth penilty for people who abuse certain laws as i mentionanted earlier. I belive people should have have to face the dealth penialty, thode people include murders ,terriasit, and other hanis crimes.

    • I agree that the death penalty should be used for only certain people that commit the most extreme crimes because they cannot be forgiven for what they have done.

  • Me personly, I think the death penalty was efective back then, but now seince we have new better ways of disicpline, the fear of losing your life just isnt there anymore. The only people who should get the death penalty are people who are crimaly insane.

  • i think death penalty should be up to the state or the court room, i think it should be the family that decides. And if there is no family to decide then there is no death penalty. It is too harsh on the family and friends of the people who are being sentenced. 

  • I don't know if the death penalty is a good or a bad thing, Because if the person is guilty of a major crime like murder yes we could order the death penalty but that person has family and friends like all of us. Also in other cases, people could get the death penalty for something that they didn't commit or that wasn't a deserved death penalty. That is why I think that what there is right now lets the states pick whether they want it because it is there opinion. I only think people should get the death penalty should be for people who have committed major crimes like murder.

  • What do you think about the death penalty? I think the death penalty should not be used. Even though they might have killed someone or sexually abused someone they will have a much harder time living with what they did in prison with other prisoners than them not having to live through what they have done. Also I would feel guilty if I was able to kill someone because of their actions.

    • I mean the death penalty is not always the right way but sometimes its better than letting those people win and still breathe the same air of the family members they killed.

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