The Death Penalty

     What do you think about the Death Penalty? A lot of people could think that the death penalty is a good thing if something happened to their family and the criminal or murderer is on trial. People tend to seek revenge after a terrible tragedy has happened to them. Now let's go over how the death penalty happens, some of the history behind the death penalty, and also the US's thoughts on the death penalty.


     The death penalty officially started in the 18th century BC when King Hammurabi came and made the death penalty for 5 crimes. Murder was not one of those crimes though that people could commit for the penalty. Then we also have the Hittite Code that was made in the 14th Century BC, 7th Century BC the Draconian Code that Athens used which made it so every crime ended in the death penalty.


     Now jump into the present 21 states do still have the death penalty that the Death Penalty Information Center knows. There are 6 states that are still considering that the Death Penalty is legal but they are not doing them for various reasons. Then we have the rest of the US, 23 states in total, don't have the death penalty which includes Iowa in that 23.


     So is the death penalty a good thing or a bad thing? I don't have a strong way towards either but if someone was affected by a person that is on trial they could be leaning towards a good thing. But killing someone just because they did something to you will not make you feel any better about what has happened. The most people can do at that point is to move on and try and stick through it. 


What do you think about the death penalty?

Should all states include the death penalty or none at all?

Why should people get the death penalty?





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  • I can definitely can see both sides of this agrument, but I believe that the death penalty should be legal in some cases. Again I believe that in some cases not all, the death penalty should be legal in every state. I think people should recieve the death penalty for murder, or crimes that had to do with killing somebody else. I do not think people should recieve the death penalty for small crimes, or if the family of the person who passed doesn't want that to be the punshiment. 

    • There is a lot of people that could see both sides but when someone goes through a tragedy including the killing of one of their family members most tend to lean towards legalizing it fully.

  • I believe that the death penalty should be illegal. I know that the are evil people out there and they do cruel things, but I think that killing someone would be murder, and that would be wrong. I feel like it should be up to the states to decide.

  • What do I think about the death penalty? I think death penalty should be in place for specific reasons. I think it should be in place for certain crimes, like murder and kidnapping. I don't agree with death penalty for crimes like speeding and stealing. I think all states should have it in place because you could fly to a state where death penalty isn't in place and not be put to death. I understand people will want death penalty to seek revenge for if someone has murdered there family member and I agree. 

    • I agree that it should be just in place for specific reasons for those who are in the very wrong and just can't be forgiven. It does have an affect on you when you know you have sent someone to their death but sometimes it is for the better.

  • I believe that the death penalty is an extreme punishment. Although some crimes are more than heinous enough to be convicted of one, I feel like it's a terrifying concept. Expecially when there were/are methods as excruciating as the electric chair. I think the states should be able to choose individually as they do now, seeing as there is nothing about the death penalty in the Constitution.

    • It is an extreme punishment but for what those people did sometimes its not the worse thing that could've happened to them.

  • Why should people get the death Penalty? I think that the only time the death penalty should be used is when a crime involves either murder or something to do with sexual assault. I think this because when you murder someone, you end their life. Therefor the persons family should get to decide if you get to keep yours. I think it should be used after a sexual assault because you could have possibly ruined that persons life. They have to live with what you did forever. 

  • I think the death pentaly isn't a really good idea, cause why should you have the right to kill someone that hurt you. And say you wanted to send someone on death row, you would more enless feel guily about killing someone because eveyone has a good nature in them and no one should die just because they did something to you. 

    • Yes, killing people isn't the best idea because it is a really harsh punishment but some of those people are just not gonna be able to change. Some people would rather have death though than to live in prison for the rest of their life.

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