Should vaccines be mandatory?

Vaccines have been around for a long time. The first vaccine was invented in 1796 to combat smallpox. Since then, many other vaccines have been developed. In 1855, Massachusetts became the first state to require vaccination before enrolling in school. Since then, many other states have created similar laws, especially for children attending school. Today, all states mandate immunizations for children to enroll in public school. However, some families are against this requirement.

There are various reasons why some people are against vaccination. The most common reason is religious beliefs, which can lead the government to give exceptions. Others refuse vaccines due to personal or philosophical reasons, such as believing that natural immunity is preferable or being concerned about putting chemicals into their children’s bodies. Safety concerns also contribute to vaccine hesitancy. Some people are influenced by media or social media reports about potential side effects, leading them to believe that vaccines may do more harm than good.

On the other side, many people believe vaccines should be mandatory. Vaccines play arn essential role in public health by not only preventing illness in individuals but also stopping the spread of viruses and avoiding epidemics. They are one of the most important advancements in health, and without them, significant health crises could have happened. This is why many support making vaccination mandatory.

In my opinion, vaccines are essential for maintaining good health, but I don’t think they should be mandatory. People should have the freedom to choose what they put into their bodies. However, vaccines should be strongly recommended, and those opposed to them should have access to educational courses about vaccines to make informed decisions about their children’s health.


Do you think vaccines should be mandatory?

Do you think vaccines are important?

Do you think children should be vaccinated before attending school?

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  • Do you think vaccines are important? Yes and know. I have never had covid 19 and i have never had a vacine for it. My dad has never had a flu shot and he has never had the flu so i feel like it depends on the person wether they are importent or not.

    • I think they are always important because for example with covid 19, the situation got better after the vaccine was created and people getting vaccinated made the virus spread less which stopped the pandemy. Even if you don't get the virus it could be important to have it just in case.

  • Do you think vacciens should be mandatory? No I dont think vaccines should be mandatory because this is a free county. Unless there is a virus worse than the corona virus than im not getting one becuase I dont believe in them. As do most of the people I know. In my opion they are a waste and they often make people more sick then they already are.

    • I agree with you that it is a free country and that people should have a choice but I do not think that vaccines are a waste. It is true that they can make some people sick because their body doesn't react well to the vaccine but in most cases that is not what happens.

  • I don't think that they really need a vaccines at all like not everyone has to have a vaccine at all, Like it they want to reject it then they can.

  • I don't think that vaccines should be mandatory because some people do not react well to vaccines and the various side effects they cause. I think vaccines are important for health and for those who can't fight off disease as easily as others.

    • I agree with you, I think vaccines are very important because they help people fight diseases but it is true that some people don't react well to them and can become sick because of the vaccines.

  • I don't believe thaty vaccines should be mandatory because that would violate the constitution, the government shouldn't be forced to take a medicine they don't understand. I believe that vaccines are important but they shouldn't be forced, with a parents concent a child should be vaccinated and there shouldn't be anyone else in the world that tells them what to do. 

  • I don't think we should make vaccines madetory because if there is one vaccine, it can cause lots of health problems. Personally, I was given a HPV vaccine, 2 years ago, and was hospitalised for 3 days because of an allergic reaction. If vaccines were madetory, and someone was allergic with a weaker immune system recives it, I can't say for sure if they would make it. 

    • I agree with you about how people can get allergic reactions or sickness from getting vaccinces. If a person has to keep taking the vaccince that can get them really sick, they might be sick for a long period of time every year. Most people probably won't get sick but there are some people that can.

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