History of vaccines.
From around the 15th century humans started exposing other people to smallpox. This process of exposing people to smallpox was known as variolation. These processes starting taking place very early perhaps 200 BCE. In 1796 Dr Edward Jenner created the worlds first successful vaccine.He found out that people infected with cowpox were immune to smallpox. In May of 1796 Edward Jenner gave James Phillips the first vaccine. This was matter collected from a sore on the hand of a milkmaid that had small pocks. Philips remained in perfect health even 2 months later. American president thomas jefferson approved Edward Jenner work and approved the first small pox vaccine. Then after all this they starting testing the vaccines with rabbits. The spanish flu and influenza came about and by the mid 1900s they came out with the vaccine for them. By 1967 they started giving other countries vaccines. They also used a heat treated form of the virus in the hepatitis vaccine. Then from their vaccines became mass produced across the whole world for different viruses.
Why should vaccines be mandatory!
Vaccines are the most effective health interventions in the world. When vaccines are not mandated disease ramps up that the vaccine could have prevented. In the US you are required to get the varicella vaccine before attending public school and some other vaccines. In the US where their is strictest laws, rates of whooping cough and measles are a lot lower. You still will get sick with most vaccines but when you do get sick you wont get it as severe. In extreme cases vaccines may even save you from dying depending on the virus. Another thing people are tying to do is community Vaccinating, this is when a bunch of people in a community get vaccinated so it keeps the spread down in that area. Another benefit of vaccines is that their low cost and some are even free helping families that are broke or on tight savings.
Why shouldn't vaccines be mandatory!
. Many reasons why vaccines should not be mandatory is because people often have allergies to the specific vaccine and should not be taking it. Different vaccines have different compounds and each vaccine can effect you differently. Another reason people don't get vaccines is because of religious beliefs or because of safety concerns related to the vaccines. There is also people that are worried that they are putting extra chemicals into their bodies. Other people also have very healthy diets and exercise a lot wich would limit the need for a vaccine if your taking care of your body. Many parents believe the side effects of vaccines are worse than what they have been told by physicians. A handful of states respect these decisions while others don’t care at all. Most parents don't want to feel pressured or judged and want to make their own decisions on vaccines.
My opinion on mandated vaccines.
I think people should not be forced or mandated any vaccines they do not want to take. I think it should be up to them to make a decision. Many vaccines have serious health concerns and many people should not be taking them. There have been a lot of deaths and doctors telling patients that they don't recommend taking certain vaccines due to observed heart damage and other issues like death. I also think that workforce places have no right in mandating vaccines unless they want to lose workers and that is what it is coming down to. People need to have freedom in making decisions they want for their bodies.
Do you think vaccines should be mandatory. Why or why not?
Do you think people should have the right to chose what their putting in their bodies?
Do you think businesses and medical communities are going to lose a lot of people trust doing this?
Good topic choice and summary Jorgen!! Be sure to always check back on Thursday to comment as it will be be a busy day.
I agree with your clam that there are some cases where people should not take vaccines and that people are entitled to decision what happens to their bodies. However, in the case of vaccines it is not just about lowering the risk of you getting sick, it is about lower the possiblity of the diseace spreading to other people. A good example is covid, if a kid were to get covid the chance of death is pretty low, but he should still get vaccinated because otherwise he might spread it to someone who could die from it. So, I think it shouldn't be up to the person receiving it because it's not just about them, it's about everyone around them.
No I do not want to be forced to get any vaccines. I want to have the options. It isn't that I am totally against vaccinations but I don't want someone or the government telling me that I have to get the vaccine. Yes, I think some people will quit their job and find other jobs that don't require vaccines.
I really don't think vaccines should ever be maditory becuase there is always a possabillity your kid could end up with really bad side affect from the vaccines. But I do think it should always be up to parents what goes in their kids until the kids are old enough to decide for themselves if they want to have the flu,covid,or any other vaccines.
I think we shouldn't be made to take a vaccine. I think it's fine if certain people aren't comfertable around people who haven't got a certain vaccine but that doesn't mean they have to take it. I think once you start making it mandatory in jobs, it's getting out of control and adults should be able to make their own decisions.
I believe that someone has the right to put whatever medicine that the government is making us put in our bodies our choice. The government shouldn't have the right of what medicines we have to get. Would agree with me because most of the medicines aren't 100% effective so really there's really no point.
I think that vaccines should not be required by the government. I think there would be a very large conflict about people thinking the government is putting certain medicines into the vaccines that make us act in weird ways or make us sick.
I believe that vaccines should not be madatory. As us kids have a strong immune system unlike the elderly and some adults. If a vaccine was preventing a life threatening disease to all kids, all vaccines for the disease should be proven safe and actually work for kids.
I also think that most vaccines should not be mandatory. Although, if a vaccine prevented a serious, or life threatening disease, and it was proven to be safe and effective I think it might be good for it to be mandatory. In most situations though, I believe everyone should have the right to choose if they get vaccinated.
I think vaccines shouldn't be manitory because some people don't wanna get the shot and some places you go they make you have the shot. I think you should be able to do everything anyone with the shot can do even if you don't have the shot.