There are so many school shooting's that are starting to happen and it's going to get worse as we go on through the years. So they have been thinking about teahcers carring a gun on them during school hour's, but they would have to go through training and take a 6 month class for that training to carry a gun on them. But what happens if there is a teacher that break the rule that they would have for the gun's, for them to start a school shooting. That's why they have to go through a training. But nothing that we do is safe at all. Schools have tried everythig that they could and some of them have guards there and people are stilling starting school shooting's. So would they have to try and trust the teacher's or will they not let the teacher's have a gun during the school hour's.
It's something that we found have to find out. I highly doubt that they will let the teacher's carry one on them becuase that could cause a lot of things to happen. Kid's could try to steal it teacher's could try and use it. So the law could get passed but it could also not gte passed who knows. Hopeful they figure something out because the school shooting needs to stop asap.
Question: Do you think that it is a good idea to have the teacher's carry guns. Why or Why not?
Question: Should the state pass that law?
Question: Do you think that the teacher's should do more than 6 month's of training.
I don't know if teachers having guns is the best idea because if that becomes a common thing I garantuee you some teacher, somewhere, not saying at this school, will crash out and end up shooting a student or someone else at school. I could see a scenario where a teacher having a gun would benefit but giving every teacher a gun is too much of a responsbility for the teachers to carry in my opinon, so no I don't think the state should pass that law. But lets say it does get passed than yes the teachers should do at least 6 months gun safety training.
Do you think that the teachers should do more than 6 months of training? I think that teachers should have to retrain every year and should have to take a test to see if the are eligible. If the teacher does not pass the test they should not be able to have a gun in their room.
Do you think that teachers should do more than six months of training? Yes, I believe that every year they should have to re-train and take classes on gun safety and how to use them. This is because if they are going to be responsible for saving peoples lives they should know what they are doing. They need to save lives and if they don't know what they're doing, they could possibly end lives.
Absolutely not, if a child were to get their hands on them somehow, what are the people in the classroom going to do? The best thing to do about gun violence in school is to run or regulate. Theirs nothing else to do, unless somone is brave enough to shoot a child.
1.) I think it is a good idea for teachers to have firearms, but I think they should have to go through certain procedures. I think teachers should have to go through training, the gun needs to be in a safe area or locked up at all times, unless necessary, and I think the location of the firearm should be hidden or unknown to the students.
I don't think that the teacher should be allowed to have a gun during school. It might help us stay safe but it can also be very dangerous. I don't think the state should pass the law. If we do end up letting the teachers have guns I think they should go through 6 months of training to make sure that they know how to use the gun just in case of an emergency.
I dont think it would be a good idea to give teachers guns during school hours, I think this because teachers would have to go through extensive backround check and training to handle the firearm. If they do get passed that teachers could get out of controll and pull the firearm on their own students. I think it would be a better idea to give teachers tazers or pepper spray instead of guns so they cant cause any real damage to students.
I do think it is a good thing to have teachers with guns in your school. It also gives the students a reason to feel safe and I feel they could do much better in school if they feel safer. I do think they should pass they law but leave it up to the state if their schools can carry guns or not. I also do think that the teachers should be required to take a saftey course for atleat 6 months.
I think it could be a good law because of teh uprise of school shooting although there would need to be a lot of money and time put into it. they would need to be trained and to own a gun. I think it should be an optional law which is up to decision by the state. I think they should have at least 6 mounths of training.
I don't think that it is a good idea to have teachers carry guns because it only adds more risk. There could be a crazy teacher that becomes the shooter or there could be a kid that steals the gun and shoots people. It could help but it just adds another risk.